Daddy Draco?

Is Drake Draco's son? Is his mom the Scared One that Draco mentions in the first film?


Since this movie is completely illogical I doubt there is an answer.

Like the wind in the buffalo grass we belonged here, we would always belong here. - Spirit


If I remember correctly, they found Drake's egg in Draco's I think the answer is yes.

I want him outta my courtroom, I want him outta my pants! From the IMDb Cars boards


I would say yes, if you think about it, Drake looks EXACTLY like draco, notice the horns are the same and in the same spot, only difference is Drake seems to have a bit more coloring.


That's probably because the film makers just used the Draco model to create Drake. They weren't creative enough to come up with something new. :P

Taboo, tabye, ta-bollocky-ay, we're all for up the chimney! -- The Plague Dogs



Yes, in the original Draco mentions that the Scarred One was his mate and they were the last 2, planning to repopulate dragons into the world.


Draco had actually been planning incest with his GF, prior to Bowen killing her?


Firstly, I don't think they meant for their to have been an egg when they were making the first film. Hence allot of hate for DH2 etc...

In DH2, I think it is strongly implied in the film that they intend for you to assume that what you have said is the case. I can't remember if they actually spell it out in the beginning but from what I remember:

I assume Drake is definitely Draco's son because:
1) The egg is found in Draco's cave
2) They made them look SO similar, AND they made the "Lord Osric" dragon look completely different.

Who is the mother? - The Scared One most likely
Draco makes out in the first one that he was close with The Scared One, who was set up as the last female dragon, I don't know how long they had known each other for. Were they planing to repopulate together? I think they might have also mentioned her in the film to hint that she is the mother because it keep the story simple and has a certain romance to it. So it goes that The last* two dragons who are BF & GF tragically die, but there is hope because they had laid an egg together, but now their child is an orphan and suffers tremendous burdens etc... That said, I don't think that The Scared One necessarily has to be the mother... BOWEN who finds the egg would certainly have assumed The Scared One was the mother.


You can make DH2 fit with the first one with a little imagination but you have to assume that maybe Draco lies about being the last dragon? I prefer to think that he is still genuinely sincere and either doesn't know about the egg, doesn't consider eggs when he says he is the last "dragon" ~ because ~ he doesn't expect it to hatch / HOPES it doesn't etc... He isn't omniscient.

Similarly, you have to account for Lord Osric...


Her name wasn't 'the scared one' (scared means frightened), it was 'the scarred one' meaning she had scars on her, Draco also mentions that she was old, I can't remember if it was in the actual film or in the novelisation but I recall Draco mentioning 'her tattered corpse'
