Dumb Dumb Dumb

non realistic crap of a movie. a terrible and painful waste of 4+ hours. i watched it on encoe all in one sitting. terrible. anyone else think that? i should have realized it. it's sci fi.




It's pretty bad. It goes on about 2 hours longer than it should have.
The only time I connected with Zane's character was when he was yelling 'Someone tell me what's happening' (or words to that effect) I felt his pain.

"I just wish he'd grow some balls and back up some of the smack he's been talking."


I realize this is 3 years later, but I am at the 2/3's point of this movie and it is boring as can be and I don't expect any redemption.

When Billy Zane yells "Someone tell me what's happening!" even for the first time early on, the answer is, "If we tell you, then how are we going to stretch this dud out for 3 more hours? Run!"

And since that's the nothing-happening way it goes, they have to fill it up with off-camera shooting of horses in the head, cutting off of fingers, etc. Oh yeah, and lots of ultra-cutesy dialog from the head bad guy.

I'd say 4, not 6, for a rating.
