Just awful.

This is a grotesque PC attempt to clean up some Christmas legends/traditions (such as Black Pete) and explain others, like how Santa got his reindeer and how St. Nicholas came to the New World and became Santa Claus, where the red suit came from, going down the chimney and using stockings instead of wooden shoes. And of course, everything is Pete's idea.

Hume Cronyn and James Earl Jones just have been hard up for money to be talked into this turkey. Was Tempest Bledsoe also this desperate?

Tempest Bledsoe in a free family in "New Amsterdam" and they adopt an orphan white girl that Santa and Pete found in the barn.

And the native Americans know the "man with the white beard" and give him a red coat with white fur.

It is just awful. Awful. The acting isn't bad, the dialogue isn't that bad but all together, it is just awful.

James Earl Jones is hardly in it. Barely screen time. He's "telling the story" to his grandson and the cut to him for a few seconds and then back to the past.

For those that don't know, the traditional red Santa suit didn't show up in illustrations until the mid 1800s and didn't really take off until Coca-Cola's ad campaign. New Amsterdam is what New York was called before we became a country. Do the math.

I realize this is about 25 years old and probably at the height of the PC movement but still. I think this is just awful.


