MovieChat Forums > The Ladies Man (2000) Discussion > Anyone have will ferrels lines?

Anyone have will ferrels lines?

Will Ferrel was hilarious as Lance Delune in Ladies Man. I'm looking for any of his lines from the movie, especially his speech about his passion for wrestling. Thanks


It was october 1992
i was training for the summer olympics... my sport? greco roman wrestling. Me and brian, my training partner, had just finished a long hard day of training. I came home to find my wife with a blank stare on her face. Then I saw our man running out across the parking lot.

Would you like some oil, its very nice, it's a lemon essence.

The Arsonist, has oddly shaped feet


There are people out there that actually like Will Ferrel? He's about the most UNfunny person on the planet. He's borish, and completely inane.


We, the Victims of the Smiling Ass are going to find this guy, this Woman's Dude, and when we find him we are going to CUT HIS BALLS OFF!

I appologise if I don't have it word for word.

Catherine: Did I just do that?
Sara: I don't know. What's a Bling Bling?


"are you sure you don't want just a dab? it's a lemon essence and it's delightful"

"she didn't understand the thrill any man would get from taking a big, husky guy like brian and pinning him until he squirmed and squealed like a little piglet!"

will ferrell is hilarious!


''She definately didnt undestand my passion for wrestling. She didnt understand how it felt to grab a big, husky guy like brian and pin him to the ground until he squirmed and squeals like a little, PIGLET!!''


''i am a master of greco roman wrestling, and i will crush you!! and you will learn a new definition of, pain!!''

''you gotta take that submissive attitude. Wrestle it to the ground, let it feel your cold breath on the back of its neck (or something like that)''




No one has posted the line correctly: Are you sure you don't want a little oil? It has a lemon essence and it is delightful.
