MovieChat Forums > Gohatto (1999) Discussion > Two new plot quiestions - Any thoughts?

Two new plot quiestions - Any thoughts?

I read most of the threats here analyzing the plot... and for me two questions remain unanswered:

- Why Kano decided to have a sexual relationship with Yuzawa? He fiercely rejected Tashiro with his dagger when he approached to his bed... but he just left Yuzawa take him! Obviously he wasn't in love with Yuzawa.

- Why the interest to be trained by Inoue, the elderly not-so-good-with-the-swords master? The camera work accentuates his interest when he finds him sleeping and afterwards when asking Soji Okita about him.

- This is more a personal complaint than a question: why not to love Tashiro???
In my opinion, Tashiro is hotter than Kano, way hotter.
Tashiro is the only one offering him a pure and true love. Why despise him?

Some guesses:
- Kano couldn't allow himself to EXPRESS his love to anyone (therefore his vows)
- Kano was not able to love anyone, and only agreed for sex as a way to feed his anger and revenge. Tashiro didn't deserve this, so he rejected him.


I'll have a stab (lol) at your questions, but then again I could be completely wrong!

- Why Kano decided to have a sexual relationship with Yuzawa? He fiercely rejected Tashiro with his dagger when he approached to his bed... but he just left Yuzawa take him! Obviously he wasn't in love with Yuzawa.

He wasnt in love with Yuzawa nope. I think he rejected Tashiro because Tashiro was the same rank as him? (or perhaps a lower rank?, havent seen the film for a while) Basically, he would sleep with Yuzawa because Yuzawa was a higher ranked officer and Kano wanted to "advance" among the milita.

- Why the interest to be trained by Inoue, the elderly not-so-good-with-the-swords master? The camera work accentuates his interest when he finds him sleeping and afterwards when asking Soji Okita about him.

I think this could actually be a bit of innocence on Kano's part, or genuine (non sexual) interest. I think he sees that Inoue is just interested in him as a student-mentor type way and he does need someone to show him the ropes. The camera work showing his interest in sleeping Inoue is probably that Inoue is so different to all the samurai he's met so far.

- This is more a personal complaint than a question: why not to love Tashiro???
In my opinion, Tashiro is hotter than Kano, way hotter.
Tashiro is the only one offering him a pure and true love. Why despise him?

Some guesses:
- Kano couldn't allow himself to EXPRESS his love to anyone (therefore his vows)
- Kano was not able to love anyone, and only agreed for sex as a way to feed his anger and revenge. Tashiro didn't deserve this, so he rejected him.

I think you're right with the Kano cant love anyone bit. To put it as politely as possible, Kano was basically a man whore, sleeping with people for his own advancement, so he could be desired and wanted by the samurai, especially the higher ranked ones.

Another good point you make is when you say Kano cant allow himself to love. I think that's true because if he did then he'd be like the rest of them, wheras he wants to be the one being possessed and protected; and if he had a relationship with Tashiro he couldnt.

Hope that made sense, my head's not always so clear this time of night! :)


I wished this movie explored Kano a bit more. I agree with the points made, and would add perhaps Kano thought Tashiro was beneath him because of their different social backgrounds.

Another point the movie brought up was that Kano was a better swordsman than Tashiro, until he has to fight him. It shows that Kano has feelings for Tashiro. However, being a man whore with ambitions, he can't let those feelings get in the way.

As for the hair, I thought the vows Kano made were to Tashiro to keep them. However, it could have deeper roots (pun unintended) tied to his need for anger and revenge. It seems the anger is toward Kano's own sexuality though.


I think this could actually be a bit of innocence on Kano's part, or genuine (non sexual) interest. I think he sees that Inoue is just interested in him as a student-mentor type way and he does need someone to show him the ropes. The camera work showing his interest in sleeping Inoue is probably that Inoue is so different to all the samurai he's met so far.

Or perhaps he was facinated/interested in Inoue because Inoue came from the same school as Soji. He wanted to be closer to Soji somehow. Soji was the 1 person he was interested in who didn't return his feelings nor show any particular interest in him. In fact, Soji hates Kano.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
