MovieChat Forums > Pearl Harbor (2001) Discussion > I'd be a little angry if someone tried t...

I'd be a little angry if someone tried to pawn their child off on me

Too bad bitch. It aint mine. Should have thought about that before spreading your legs so quickly.

That's what really would have happened


He took the child because it was his true love, Danny's child.

Do you hate me because I have no avatar? Do you even give a damn?


Black Jesus:I rode into town on an ass....Yo mamas ass.


He shouldn't have. She betrayed him.


But what if that 'someone' was not only your best friend, but also dying in your arms?


In Rafe's place, I don't think I'd consider Danny my friend anymore. When someone is MIA they're probably dead but you don't know that for sure. Especially with pilots, who often end up stuck behind enemy lines or captured. It's not like he showed up ten years later. It was only a few months. If Evelyn loved him so much and wanted nothing more than to make a life and grow old together (sniff sniff) you'd expect her to wait until the last American POWs were released by the Germans at the end of the war. If he didn't show up then, she'd know he was never coming home.

That's what you do when you really love someone. Hold out hope until there's no hope left. But what happened instead? His supposed best friend and the love of his life jumped in bed together almost immediately. If I was Rafe and Danny was dying in my arms I'd be saying "See you in hell, Judas!".
