4 films, 0 oscars

i cant believe that there has been four of these films and each of them was over looked at oscar time. great acting, directing,and all around great series. ill tell you what there is no justice i just dont understand how these four films did not win one oscar

you know what the next time that you have a thought just let it go


Ppl justo dont get serious those kinda of movies :) Me either :)


Well for one thing, it was a non-union film, so it was ineligible...


Like that's the only reason this movie didn't get an Oscar.


Is there anyone who really takes the Oscars seriously? They nominated 'Little Miss Sunshine' for cryin' out loud.


Haha, well, to be honest, Little Miss Sunshine was much better as a film than the lousy, hollow and pretentious The Departed.

But no, I don't care about the Oscars either. Troma films are not eligible since the jury would vomit more than once before finishing the films, so...



Oh well, they finally gave Roger Corman his Oscar so maybe things are looking up.

Haven't seen 'The Departed,' so I can't comment.


The Departed was boss. No idea what you were talking about.


I don't take Oscars seriously. I really don't give a crap about awards in general; I like what appeals to me. I know my taste isn't the same as others.

"Worship me or I'll torture you forever"
- Your loving God


Smiley face!
