The Complete Toxic Avenger Box set

does it contain the R-rated cut or the unrated cut and why do some sites say that the unrated cut is shorter?


I tried it out, and all the movies in the boxset weren't even wide-screen! the director's cut one says it's uncut, comes with Lloyd Kaufman introducing it as un-cut, yet when i watched it, the deleted scenes described in IMDB as being director's cut scenes DID NOT PLAY. They were in the extras, but never played. The whole box set is kind of a rip-off, UNLESS you want to get all 13 eps of the Toxic Avengers animated series. You can only get the first 4 episodes on Netflix, and you can get all 4 movies on Netflix too, but if you want Toxic Avengers 5-13, you gotta get the box set.



I did some digging and each film is the unrated cut. some scenes were added to the R-rated cuts of some movies to prolong running time (Re-Animator is a prime example of this.) I purchased the box-set for 40 bucks, not bad....

maybe, you'll end up like me, A HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN


The movies in the boxset weren't widescreen because they weren't shot in widescreen. My guess is somehow they knew they weren't going to be getting Oscars and that their main audience were people with VCRs. Why bother spending extra money for widescreen cameras when movie theaters weren't going to show them. They probably didn't even have a clue that widescreen TVs were the future.
