Will there be a Toxic Avenger 5?

I absolutely love all the Toxic Avenger movies and I do have high hopes that another one should be made. I wonder when. I did hear that Lloyd Kaufman has plans to make a fifth movie in the series and I hope that it's as good as the others. Citizen Toxie is probably my second favorite, after the first one. Parts 2 and 3 are good, but not great. Anyway, aside from all that, BRING ON TOXIE 5!!!


Lloyd Kaufman stated on his MySpace page a few months back asking for suggestions on where the fans would like to see the series go. I posted that the next one should be the Toxic Crusaders, though I think that would cost more than Troma could afford to do.

Lets put a SMILE on that face!


Lloyd said in an interview late last year that Toxie 5 is the next Troma film and it will continue with the series tradition of toxie dealing with the issues that many people have to deal with like (previously), having children, getting a job etc. Also something about Toxies erectile dysfunction...which is supposedly the exact opposite of normal erectile dysfunction;)

We'll probably see it within the next three to four years. Troma take their time with Lloyd's films and they're always worth it so I'm happy to wait.


Well seeing as Evil Melvin ran screaming "If there's a sequel mother *beep* I'll be back," you can pretty much count on there being one.


Just found out there is a Toxie 5 and it's gonna have him raising kids and experiencing what it's like to be a father. Sounds interesting. Yep Evil Melvin was right. I'm sure he'll be back as well.


I'd rather see 'Nuke 'em High IV: Nuke 'em University', but this works, too. I *so* wanna work on it when they start production.


That might be cool if they do a Class of Nuke'em High 4. But I think they should do a direct sequel to the first one, one that actually picks up from the events that concluded in the first one. Hell, Citizen Toxie was considered the actual followup from the first Toxic Avenger. I guess we'll have to see what Troma does. Their low-budget work is pretty damn impressive I must say.


Well, I was at a recent DVD release party with Lloyd in NYC last month, and apparently Toxie V is still in the early writing stages. (Troma movies take longer to write than you think). He had a couple of small ideas (Toxie deals with old age, the Toxie Twins growing up), and with the suggestions of the guests, it could possibly go in a 'High School Musical' direction.

Mr. Kaufman is indeed a fabulous, helpful person. And what little ego!

Now I have three sequels. Ho ho ho.


toxie 5 was listed on IMDB now its not , strange

anyway the crappy remake is still listed i was kind of hoping the sequel and the remake would come out at the same time to confuse people LOL
