Monica leaving him in the woods

First time i have seen this movie in many years.... Question: instead of leaving him and Teddy in the woods, why didn't Monica just turn David off and bury him? I don't get why she would not just turn the machine off.


She supposedly does it out of love, but I agree, she wasn't doing him any favors. Neither was his creator.


Remember the beginning of the movie, when the development team was discussing the upcoming project. Creating David, a robot that could feel love, was only one half of the experiment. The other half was to see if they could get the human owners to love it back. Part of that was convincing the owner i.e. Monica that turning David off would literally mean killing him. If simply turning him off was an easy and comfortable solution, then the experiment would be pointless.


It wouldn't have been a very good film if she did that. The film would have been about half an hour long! Lol x


She wanted him to die but didn't want to be the one to actually do it. She was a horrific individual.


How was she horrific?

David was not human. He is not real. He doesn't have true AI, he just follows one script over and over and over again.

The horrible individual was the scientist who created the pile of scrap metal. The one who made it look like his own deceased son then stood by and watched this "faux son" copy be reviled.


How was she horrific? David was not human. He is not real.

I guess you missed the entire point of the movie. To feel and love is what makes you human not your anatomy. She abandoned a frightened child in the woods. The mom sucked.


No YOU MISSED the point of the story.

David, at no point in the film, displayed true love or true humanity. He only kept to his programming from beginning to end. The tragedy is not that David, essentially a manipulative toy, was put out to pasture in the woods. The tragedy was the Doctor, who lost his own child, set out to recreate him then use his image as a commodity. A commodity that would have been misused and abused by various customers. How is that a proper memorial to a loved child?

It brings to question the doctors motives and his past behavior with his own child when he was alive.


I disagree. The Doctor is only as detestable as the mother is. If abandoning David wasn't completely abhorrent(you know, cause he's a robot and all), then neither was his creation. Anyhow, this is Davids story not the Doctors. You say David never displayed "true humanity", but what does that mean? The human condition is more than just being human.


David wasn't a child; he was a machine and he wasn't frightened. He was showing the emotions that he had been programmed to show. The mother shouldn't be condemned too harshly for dumping an unwanted piece of machinery.


That's kind of a disgusting thing to say, within the context of a discussing a film, which is all fiction and no humans or animals were harmed in its making.

Even so, that's nasty. For all intents and purposes, David was as human as Martin...or Monica, or Henry. He had emotions. His circuitry was designed to experience real emotion, just as our DNA is. The emotions weren't things David were displaying as part of a program. They were things he was feeling. His sense of loss, rejection, anbondonmrnt and a burning desire to be loved by his imprinted mother were as real as any child's.

I agree Monica did a crappy thing. It would have been far more "humane" to return him to Cybertronics where he could be deactivated.

Having said that, the designers were FU'd too. What a crappy design flaw to make the imprinting irreversible. Henry said it was necessary to protect them, but that's stupid. It didn't have to be any easier to deprogram him than it was to read that sequence of words to activate the imprinting. It's also a design flaw to have it so he can only imprint on one person. As was discussed, all humans will die eventually, but not the AI. There should be a way built-in to reprogram him if he goes to a new family.


I think a point of this movie is to question - What is life? What is emotion? What is a real boy?

How do you know if YOU are "programmed"? What is life? What is real?

Once we turn YOU off, you're emotions are gone ... no longer real.

Steps to a great life:

Watch Twilight Zone
Listen to Wayne Dyer
Go vegan


She didn't want him to die. She had grown fond of him*, but she thought it wasn't safe to live with him, so she thought that was the best choice.

*We don't actually know if she loved him, and I think that's part of why DAVID doubts it throughout the whole movie.


I've always thought that the whole point behind the movie is that creating artificial people is a horrible idea that only brings out the worst in all humans. Much like Gattaca, it's a warning to the future.



If I'm understanding correctly, there WAS no "off switch" on him, he was built as real as it gets. He didn't even sleep.

Regarding the leaving him in the woods bit, that WAS pretty cruel and was probably easier to take him back to the factory and had him "destroyed" (we can only hope in a less painful method even for an A.I.).

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


The fact that Monica gets so emotionally attached to David, actually convincing herself that he was her real adopted son and then, dumping him off or even allowing her husband to convince her to have him destroyed shows that Monica was not an emotional confident or stable woman. He may not have actually felt love for her, but he was sure more convincing than she was. She even breaks down knowing how wrong she is and she does it anyway. So, yes, I have to say. The real Monica SUCKED as a mother.

I want to know what morons made that DAS in David, making him seem so goddamn dangerous. I want to know what genius came up with the idea to give David childish human-like ambitions while neglecting to give him a goddamn food processor. He could have been useful in reproducing food for plants or something.


"he was built as real as it gets. He didn't even sleep. "

Errrr, eh?


Monica originally intended to take David back to the facility where he was created in order to be terminated but I believe she developed feelings of guilt about ending his existence because she had bonded with him so she compromised and released him to fend for himself.
