The only part I didn't like

I think I've seen every episode of Malcolm in the Middle and throughly enjoyed the show. Some episodes are better than others, but there's only one part I didn't like at all. I think it's in Season 7, where the evil Ida is pitting Malcolm and Reese against each other for the love of a girl. They go through a series of bizarre tests, one of them is putting both guys in a bag with a cat and an attack dog fighting each other and they have to get out. You can hear both the cat and dog growling and hissing at each other. I'm sure the producers filmed the scene without any harm to either animal, but it was so disturbing hearing both fighting and wasn't very funny. That scene made me hate Ida even more as she was just a Nazi bigot. Does anyone know the name of the episode or what I'm talking about?


That was "Bride of Ida". This was two episodes before Reese joined the Army. I thought that scene was quite funny.

"There will be blood. Oh, yes, there WILL be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


Reese joined the army back in season 5. His army buddy visits him in season 7.


Yes I know which one you are taking about it was the weirdest episode. I've never liked that one.
