Other pirates Novela

Does anybody know of any other pirates/buccaneers/saliors telenoevlas besides this and Pasion?



Alborada has some maritime action, also with Fernando Colunga. I think it's better than Pasion, quite frankly, although I would have had a different ending scene.

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.


Umm ''Amor Gitano'' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0208611/
It was pretty good. Too.
Nothing trumps CS ;)


I second Amor Gitano ... It also helps that it's quite short which helps the plot remain tight and for the viewer not to get bored. It's one of Mauricio Islas' best roles to date, alongside Amor Real which I would also recommend even though it's not a "pirate Novela". It's still one of the best period Novelas produced by Televisa.

Also if you're interested in Novelas, I have to put a word in for "Pasion de Gavilanes" and "Betty la Fea", if you haven't come across them yet.

It's very easy to get discouraged with Novelas as there are A LOT of terrible ones out there but the ones above are by far some of the best, if not the best. And above them all, reigning supreme even after all these years, is of course 93 Corazon Salvaje.

ask the spokesperson, I don't have a brain
