Favorite Music?

Secret of Mana has what I consider one of the best sountracks ever, so what's your favorite music in the game? Mine would be the title theme, it is so beautiful, and it really captures the essence of the game.


I liked the final battle music with the mana beast since it was pretty uplifting music.


I love the sound track from this game.


My favorite songs are:

One Of Them Is Hope - The song that's playing just before the fight with the Mana Beast.

Conclusion - This is the song that's playing while the three heroes talk with the Mana Tree (up to the part where it is revealed the the Mana Tree is actually the boy's mother) and also after you beat the Dark Lich and the girl is mourning Dyluck.

The song that plays briefly after you've beaten the Dark Lich and the room starts shaking and you have to leave. I haven't got a clue what it's called.

The song that plays when you first meet Undine in her cave, and several other elementals. I think the name of this one is Eternal Recurrence.

The song that plays when you are inside Joch's cave at the top of the Lofty Mountains. I don't know the name of this one.

Pure Night - This is the theme for the Pure Land.

Banished - You hear this song when...that's right, when you've been banished from Potos Village.

Sad Theme- The song that plays during the (optional) conversation with the Elder after you've been told to leave Potos, when he tells you about your mother. You also hear this song in the 2nd half of the conversation with the Mana Tree. I'm pretty sure this isn't the actual name.

If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on my cat


The music is the icy part of the game, where you are fighting those snow wolves.
Also theres that bit of music that plays when the girl is thinking of Dyluck, it happens after you defeat the tiger in the witches castle. That music is beautiful.
Also the ruins theme is weird yet brilliant.


Eternal Sunshine - Best film ever


I closed my eyes - Although quite short, this piece coupled with the screen on gameover had a very strong impact on me for some reason.

The track in winterland, it's very beautiful.

Diplomacy is saying nice doggie until you find a stone!


Probably the ice country song. I recorded the "sad town" song on YT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O65hhlQMFUs
