MovieChat Forums > Miss Congeniality (2000) Discussion > One of the funniest sequences in a film....

One of the funniest sequences in a film.. the climax when Gracie is trying to get the crown and keep it away from the is one of those sequences that is perfectly shot and perfectly acted...capped by William Shatner's brilliant attempts to keep the air of normalcy alive amidst a pageant that has degenerated into chaos around him. I have seen this movie about five times, and it is just as funny each time.


And the kicker is when he sings "She's beauty and she's grace, she's Miss United States" while Cheryl is wailing and crying


I like the part where Cheryl is hitting Gracie with the roses - the roses are distroyed and she still holds the stems like normal.


Yeah, that whole scene is hysterically funny and I love when Cheryl gets so hysterical she starts bawling like a baby and then when the crown explodes, she faints dead away. Heather Burns was so funny in this movie as Cheryl.


I almost never lol when watching funny movies for some reason. I chuckle, smile yes.... This movie (and Airplane!!) are about the only ones that had me rolling....

"The Flagon With The Dragon Has The Brew Which Is True"


My favorite part is at the very end when William Shatner looks out and goes, "She's Miss United States!" and smiles all big.

This is just one of the funniest movies ever made.

Last Movie Seen: Nanny McPhee
Rating: 7/10 stars!



I agree completely, this makes me howl with laughter every time.
As does the 'bikini-wax' part, with the guy's reaction. Hilaaaaaaarious!


thanks in advance


I agree...and I love his reaction to the news crews afterwards when he says "I was right in the middle of my song!" Like he was more upset that he got interrupted than he was by the fact that something just got blown up hahaha

--I'm going to make out in the coat room, don't eat my chicken.
--That's going on your tombstone.


Another scene which I truly love and makes me laugh out loud every time is during the final round of questioning when Bullock's character says something along the lines of, "secretly we all wish the others would trip and fall...oh wait, I've already done that."

Her comic timing is impeccable. She is one of my all time favorite actresses.


How about when she's in the swimsuit competition, and she keeps doing this ridiculous fake laugh to the audience...which pisses off Candice Bergin so much that she whacks Michael Caine behind the head! The fake laugh was TOO much and I start laughing just thinking about it!! Anyone know which scene I'm talking about?? :D :D :D


That scene was hilarious!

Frank and Eric are fighting on the stairs... meanwhile onstage Gracie is wrestling the crown from Rhode Island's head. Rhode Island is beating her off with her rose bouquet, Texas tries to jump in & Gracie punches her dead in the face. Note Shatner's expression when Texas falls backward. LMAO!!!



