Crystal Glass Tune

Is there a specific tune that Gracie is playing on the glasses during the talent portion of the pageant? Cause she played some and then rang a bell...and it kind of sounded familiar but I can't think of anything..and it made me wonder why the audience was laughing...just curious...

Ive been dreaming of a true loves kiss and a prince Im hoping comes with this!


I believe it's "Somewhere My Love" from Dr.Zhivago...or is it known as "Laura" I'm not sure.


does anyone know how she does that? i want to learn


i wanna learn how to do that thing she does with the glasses.


It doesn't work on any glass, you need crystal. When there is liquid in the glass, you wet the rim and just slide your finger around it. It's not really that difficult, the tricky part is making the note consistent and having the right amount of water in each glass to get the right note.

I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.


The song she performs is Lara's Theme from Dr. Zhivago.


Hmm, that name doesn't sound familiar...maybe I've heard it and don't know...or maybe it just sounds like something else. Thanks though. It would be cool to be able to do that.

"Yes...No...To get to the other side...1.772..."


I'm sure you could find it on Youtube if you wanted to listen to it.

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...
