
The last 5 minutes between Didi & Emil was like watching a car crash--you want to look away, but you can't. I realize how easy it would be for a man in that situation to cling on to anything at that point in his life, especially a young girl. I'm left wondering what Didi's intentions were and how premeditated her plan was to leave Emil & her baby (Did she take his car on her way out??). I don't see any way the Emil could raise the baby (legally or otherwise).


I liked the ending. She might have left. she might have gone to the bathroom. The director left it open to the viewers interpretation. The fact that the baby was still their means she probably didn't thou. Any life she has with him will be heck of a lot better than anything that bastard Lucky could have offered her.
It's nice to see a sad lonely fat guy and a weird hot chick fall in love.
*beep* Hollywood endings.
