3.7? WTF!!

I know this movie ripped off Scary Movie (Which spoofed both Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer) but it wasn't that bad. It's certainly better than those sh!tty Seltzer/Friedberg films. Why the hell is this rated 3.7? It should be least in the 4.5-5.0 area, geez!


its been along time since i saw this film i was pretty young like 12 maybe.
so im not sure if id find it nearly as good now but i remember it being histerical. far better than 3.7 id say beck then id ave given it a 6-7


I think it's a really low rating for the film too.

It's by no means sensational but I've seen far worse.

The opening scene with the killer having to put his mask out from being on fire in the bird bath and it melting in to the Scream mask was worth more than 3.7 itself.

Even if it did rip off Scary Movie (itself a parody), I'm sure some of the concepts for it had been done before it was released.

They both came out in 2000. Given the production, scripting, casting and all that goes in to a film before it's realease, I don't think it can just have been copied straight from Scary Movie after it came out.


OK first of all this movie didn't rip off Scary Movie since it was in production before Scary Movie, and second of all calling this a rip off of Scary Movie is insulting to Scary Movie, THIS MOVIE IS HORRIBLE, what do you mean deserves more than a 3.7??? It was lucky to get that.


It didn't rip off scary movie, they were filmed at the same time, scary movie just came out first which made everyone call this movie a rip off with a bad IMDB score. Had Shriek been a bit faster, then scary movie would have been the one straight to DVD with the bad score and the rip off name-calling. :)

I think this was better than scary movie but it's all in the timing. Ideas seem to be copied a lot in Hollywood. Like when they all made disaster movies like Dante's Peak, Volcano etc.
