This is on DVD...

...with 49 other great chilling classics! Some aren't available anywhere else. Check this out on Amazon:

What a deal!



This movie is also available on DVD from the labels Synergy Entertainment and CFS Releasing.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


You wouldn't happen to know the difference between the different DVD versions, would you, Joe?

I ask because I have the Chilling Classics version but wonder if it's worth upgrading.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


The DVD I just watched from CFS Releasing is from a VHS print that's in very rough shape, so I'd advise you to stick with the Chilling Classics version from Mill Creek.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Alright, thanks for the reply.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


Mill creek copy is cut by 17 mintues.. which sucks!!!
