MovieChat Forums > Awake (2007) Discussion > am i the only one?

am i the only one?

so i just watched this, and i cried! i felt like bawling actually, but i controlled myself and just cried a little instead....


it was so sad, he was talking to his mum in limbo(?) and then he says that there is no point in him living on if she isn't there as there is nothing out there for him...and she persuades him to go and oh my gosh, i cried cos of her ultimate sacrifice for her kid (who as she said, she grew up with after having him as a kid herself) and i was crying for him cos he was going to have to start from fresh, no mother, no 'loving' wife, no best friend.....oh so sad...and i know it had some impossible elements, but on the whole, i really liked it...and that little twist that girlfriend was in on the plan, didn't see that coming!

Shamonnn...R.I.P. MJ (KING OF POP), Heath Ledger, Bernie Mac


I actually loved it. I think it was really well done. Well casted, well acted, well plotted.

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!


I know this thread is years old, but I decided to reply, anyway. LOL. I didn't cry, but it was sweet. Unfortunately, I did see the twist coming, because of Sam hiding her mail so that Clay wouldn't see it. I did feel bad for Clay, though. After going through all that, who was he going to trust? Would his next girlfriend love him for real and not try to get his money? Would his next best friend stab him in the back? Man, that would suck.
