Relationship killer

If a girl wants me to watch this movie on a date - instant dumped.


Actually I would love her instantly.
I adore this movie.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


I just saw this and it is an instant favorite. I would watch it again.


So is there supposed to be a harem full of women all clamoring for you? Scores of ladies all vying for your attention and you select one. If your chosen one chooses to watch Amelie, that's what ruins the fantasy for you? Am I understanding this right? Is this a problem that you've faced before because this whole situation seems delusional or at least highly unlikely.


A harem full of women, where are you projecting that from?

Typically people want to do things on dates, and if they suggest this movie they get a one way ticket to dumpsville.


Dumpsville sounds like my kinda town.


Who would want to be with someone who doesn't appreciate the art of film?


Watching Amelie is the opposite of appreciating the art of film.


If this were the first date movie then the bar would be set very high for the second date.


Sounds like that girl then dodged a bullet. Good for her. ^^


She'll have to find some other sap that's willing to sit through Amelie.


Yeah just watch Rocky V with a wank and pot noodle


That is good, because she would definitely be better off with someone else.

Tough luck, chinless


True, a guy with equally bad taste in movies or (more likely) a desperate person willing to sit through Amelie and pretend to enjoy it.
