MovieChat Forums > Cybersix (2000) Discussion > Help with origin story for Cybersix

Help with origin story for Cybersix

What exactly is cybersix's origin story?? Can anyone tell me??


If I remember correctly, Cybersix was created from Von Rictors DNA, along with a branch of 100 or 1000 (can't remember) other cybers. I think they were suppose be loyal or something, I don't remember lol, but something went wrong, and they killed them all, except cybersix who escaped.

I can't remember the rest lol, if that was even right. I think the comic had to do with Nazi's.


And Cyber 29 a.k.a. Data 7, though wasn't he helping Von Ricter for a while before teaming up with Cybersix?

"Today is just one of those days..." -David Palmer, 24


They only glossed over it in the animated series, so I had to go back to a summary of the comics the show was based on.

Von Reichter is a Nazi war criminal who worked for years to produce superhuman soldiers for the Third Reich (his initial experiments involved cybernetically enhanced zombies made from the victims of the concentration camps). After the war, he fled to South America (Meridiana is to Buenos Aires as Metropolis is to New York City) where he continued his experiments in secret, hoping one day to establish a new Nazi empire. His creations came in "series", ready-made armies in case they worked, but the early ones were all failures (tended to break down, unable to follow instructions, etc.). His first real success was the Cyber series (5000 were made), but they were "too human", became self-aware and rebelled. He had them slaughtered, but two survived: Cyber 6 (who escaped) and Data 7 (who as Cyber 29 had been killed in a childhood accident...Von Reichter transplanted Cyber 29's brain into the body of a Data series model, Data 7). Cyber 6 fled to Meridiana, where she lived on the streets for awhile, preying on those of Von Reichter's creations who were living undercover as humans (her costume came from a Techno series model she killed, who had been working as a prostitute). Something else the animated series changed was that all of Von Reichter's "children" need a green substance to survive, and Cyber 6, being on the outside, was forced to drink the blood of other Von Reichter soldiers to get enough to survive; in the TV version, the bodies simply vaporise, leaving a vial of the stuff, but in the comics, Cyber 6 had to punch a hole in the neck and suck it out, like a vampire but without the fangs. Over time, she realized that by killing VRCs she was actually protecting Meridiana from a much worse fate. She adopted the identity of a boy who died in childhood (reminding her of her beloved "brother", Cyber 29, whom she believed to be dead), Adrian Seidelman, and began living during daylight hours as a human, to feel like she was part of the race she found herself protecting. There is a suggestion that the adoption of a male identity was one of desperate convenience; lonely but not truly human (she's not a clone, she's a synthetic bio-organism that looks human), she doesn't "belong" anywhere, so she grabbed the first opportunity to "fit in".
