MovieChat Forums > Cybersix (2000) Discussion > Potential movie castings

Potential movie castings

Cybersix/Adrian Sidelmen- Cathrine Zeta Jones or Winona Rider
Von Ricter- Pierce Brosnan
Jose- Daniel Radcliff
Lucas Amato- The Rock
Julien- Erik Per Sullivan
Lori- Larisa Oleynik

reply if you're talking about voicing....


For peats sake, you don't need to know they mean live action.
I agree with Catherine Zeta Jones, but the rock? that's just nonsense!


interesting, but flawed.

Here's my suggestions:
Cybersix/Adrian Sidelmen - Kate Beckensale (she has experiance in leather and wirework.
Von Ricter- Crispin Freeman - Com'on!
Lucus - Christen Bale


Yeah, DEFINITELY prefer Beckinsale to Zeta Jones or Ryder in the role, but I don't think past wire work and fetish gear experience should be a requirement. Besides, I strongly suspect that Beckinsale's discomfort in those situations are part of the reason that her character was replaced in the third Underworld film. Beckinsale has the pallid, delicate facial features though, and the physical experience. Zeta Jones is too old, Ryder doesn't have the strength of personality on-screen that Cybersix should have (too wimpy; Cybersix escaped the extermination of her series and lived on the streets before "becoming" Adrian, and she fights opponents three times her size). Remember also, whoever it is has to be able to pass as a young man.

I think Dwayne Johnson (give him his due, he's trying to lose that other identity) is physically right for Lucas, but maybe too tough looking. Bale looks too smart, Lucas has a bit of the "big dumb lug" about him; remember, he doesn't realize his best friend and the superhero he's got the hots for are the same person. I can't see Bale working that angle. Johnson might be TOO tough though. A wig might make a big difference though.

Brosnan as Von Reichter?? You have actually watched Cybersix, haven't you? Too young, too good-looking, too tall, too healthy. Freeman? Has he EVER done on-camera work? Think you need to look elsewhere...unless you're suggesting a CGI Von Reichter?
