Angel of Death

I know, I know, don't be shouting at me, I know I'm on the wrong board, but I already asked on the relevant one and no one can help me there so hoping I can pick the brains of you fine fellow fans. I have Broken Sword: Angel of Death for PC and my PC is fairly old now and won't run it, something to do with Direct X and anyway, long story short: is this game available on any other console, if not, does anyone have any information on if it ever will be? Thanks in advance.

Give me coffee and nobody gets hurt!
"You've got red on you!"



Okaydokey, I did already install Direct X and it went on fine, but still will not play. Error messages keep appearing saying there's a problem with the running of Direct X and though it is the correct version and there is nothing wrong with the game itself, maybe it has something to do with the memory, though I have uninstalled every other game I had on there to make space. Anyway, tried all the solutions given to me so far on this website and others, and still cannot get to play. Why can it not be released on the good old playstation or something? :-D

"If Buzz Lightyear doesn't know he's a toy, why doesn't he speak when humans are around?" Nick, My Family.

"Skip to the end" Tim, Spaced.


Have you compared the specs on the box to your machine? I know this is obvious and apologise if it seems patronising and if so there's no point in reading any further. Look to see if anything is below the minimum spec, you might be able to upgrade rather than buy a whole new computer.

You're looking for:
Memory (RAM), Hard drive space (sometimes HDD), processor (usually in GHz or sometimes MHz) and any reference to graphics (usually RAM too).


If your PC's specs are up to scratch, then you should ensure you get the latest drivers for your graphics card

It's most likely you have got an ATI or an nVidia graphics card. Find out which one by doing the following (in Windows)

Start --> Settings --> Control Panel (classic view) --> System --> Hardware (tab) --> Device Manager --> |+|Display Adaptor.

It should give the make of the card, ATI or nVidia, and the model of the card. Go to the respective website and select the downloads/drivers section. There should be a step-by-step how-to on updating the drivers.

Sorry if that's patronising, but don't know your level of technical expertise! Let us know if that sorts it out.
