Dumbest superheroes ever?

Okay, so they don't want the world to know their secret identities - So why throw their kids birthday party at their house in the middle of the suburbs in costume?

They seriously didn't think that the kid was lying to them the whole time about getting his powers? Only the Grandpa was able to figure that out before the kid failed to save the girl in the burning building. Speaking of which...

...They send the kid out on his own to save the girl and gets no back up whatsoever by the other heroes? This kid has never saved the day before he's not mentally prepared for this. Also, the Plastic-Man/Reed Richards/Elongated Man dude says "its superhero 101", wow, pretty narrow minded view when it comes to protecting the lives of innocents. Same with "Get your homework done before fighting crime", I'm pretty sure it should be the other way around if you're in the position to save people's lives with ease compared to normal people.

It took the kid to figure out that the Earth Protectors group was manipulating his school but none of his parents or older Brother were able to make the connection before he did? Especially when everybody was wearing blue all day?

They just barge into the bad guys' hideout just like that instead of collecting more information about them and trying to be two steps ahead of them? And how come none of them felt the effects of the aluminum foil before the lights were turned on? (Plot hole).

Bad guys weren't exactly the brightest bulbs either - Seriously, they were that sold by the computer chick's performance, especially that soon? Come on. And Eric Murphy decides to play goalie instead of just tackling the kid at the climax? What?

Another thing - They're so bent on Scott having powers but they've apparently got some friends who are legitimate superheroes but have no powers of their own, like The Green Hornet and Kato, so why the pressure?
