Where are you??

I can't possibly be the only one who LOVES this julekalender!! Where are you people with the great humor, that pretty much all danes have??

The show is the funniest thing ever!! Even in the middle of the summer!! Gosh I miss that.. I hope they make a second one!!

Kys og Kram The Chick Made In Denmark


I totally agree.

This is indeed a comic masterpiece. There are SO many memorable scenes, that you can just see it OVER and OVER again, and laugh of the same scenes. I find myself watching every now and then, and unconsciously I sit and recite all the lines in advance.
Some of the greatest scenes are:

Benny just arrived and telling the kartoffelavlers how his car has collapsed. First telling how his tires have gone flat, then, as Oluf tells he may be able to fix that, that the engine had a breakdown and at the end that the car is really totally dead and unrepairable!!

Benny taking the last "frikadelle" (ball of minced pork meat) right in front of the others!!!

The radio broadcaster's returning statement about "never having heard Anything like that before" (In danish: "jeg har aldrig hørt noget lignende").

Oluf suddenly asking Benny if he would like to sleep on the Dog, Emil, with the sofa - switching the dog and the sofa in the sentence he has asked so many times.

Benny's repeating the same line every night on "Now, I'm just gonna say something right out in thin air, ok? Ok, like: I guess, I'll have to stay the night over, aye? Just the night over, aye?"

When Benny has disappeared, Gertrud asks where the heck he could be, and Oluf casually replies that he may be lost in the Christmas decorations (In danish: "Han er nok faret vild i æ julepynt") That's hilarious!!!

The Danish word for socks is "sokker", pronounced like "sucker". When Benny tells he works as a salesman in a business called "Koch Sokker", pronouned like "c*ck sucker". Koch is a somewhat regular surname in Denmark.

Benny buying a cake for Oluf's birthday, he unintendedly buys a pastry man, as because of his Copenhagen-dialect told the baker to get him "a cake, man" (pronouned "a cake man"). In Danish "Stik mig en kage, mand!"

Oluf asking Gertrud if the telephone got to hot for her to hold when she finally ends her conversation with her sister, who is on vacation on Rhodos.

Oluf explaining Benny that he needs to go "inflate some pigs" (in danish: puste grise op) and Benny not having the slightest idea what he means. Oluf then clarifies by saying in the most standard Danish-dialect he can manage that it means "to go to the TOILET". "Inflating pigs" is not really a common used saying in Danish.

Benny being from Copenhagen does have some knowledge which he tries to pass on in some very memorable scenes. In one particular scene he tries to explain for the kartoffelavlers what "pommes frites" (French fries) really means in French. It goes something like this: "pommes, aye? It means.. potatoes, aye? And Frites, aye? Like France, aye? Like Paris, aye?" to which Gertrud replies in an attempt to seem bright "Yes, I know where France is!" (In danish: Ja, jeg ved godt hvor Frankrig ligger!")..

Post some yourself!!



I can't stop laughing.. OMG, it's even funnier in English!! Inflating pigs! L0L!!

One of my favorites is where Gertrud sells the book Benny stole from the Christmas elfs to the boy scouts, and Benny yells at her and calls her "Sister layer cake"!("Søster lagkage" in Danish) And where he then tells Oluf and Gertrud that they can't "hit a nail in a *beep* without splitting it"(Slå søm i en lort uden den revner")

I also love how Hazi has a crush on the Kartoffel-woman, because she reminds him af his girl back home,who once was "Miss Nisse"..

And of course how the narrator after every episode says something like: "Will the elfs get their book back, will Hanzi get over his crush on the kartoffel-woman, make up your own questions!" ("Find selv på flere spørgsmål!")

Oh and on the back of the movie it says that the tape will automatically erase if you watch more than one episode a day.. That I find hillarious!

Kys og Kram The Chick Made In Denmark



Oh YES, I love the "sister layer cake"-scene - especially because of the way Benny pushes Gertrud down on the sofa and yells on the top of his lungs, while Gertrud pathetically flings her legs about!

About the voice-over, I particularly remembers the episode (no. 5 where Benny enters?) where he says: "And what about this Benny? Does he have a bag? Is there flour in it? If so, is it clean?" In danish the saying "to have clean flour in one's bag" means "to have a clean conscience"!

Günther saying "Oh sh*t, it's på Danish" (Oh sh*t, it's in danish)

Hansi saying: "Now gider jeg sgu not more, now gider jeg sgu not - I'm leaving - Good Bye!"

The heart of it all is really the kartoffelavlers, their Jutlandian-dialect and clichees and stereotype manner. Oluf always repeating the same lines, over and over again "Ja, det er bare dejligt (Yes, that's just wonderful)" og "Ja, vi må da håbe det bliver bedre i morgen (well, let's hope tomorrow will turn out better) - the sentences being totally eroded and meaningless. Gertrud just being chatty from scene start to scene end, babbling about the same commonplace tritenesses and tediousnesses, like talking about her sister and constantly implying how her sister's husband is smarter and earns more money than Oluf, how they can afford things that they themselves can not. She is constantly talking in the phone og jammering about the food processor she wants for christmas.
Their contrast with the smart-guy, Benny from the capital, Copenhagen, is very funny and is really at the heart of the series.

The pixies/elves are really just peculiar funny, as they mix Danish and English words together.

It all comes down to this great, great series!


I must admit, I can't awoid loving this show. It has a great sense of humor, some great personalities (especially Hansi, I just love him ), and some memorable quotes. It's just brilliant/bar' dæjligt.

BTW tariboventola, it's Fritz who says "Now gider I sgu not more etc.", and it's Gertrud who have that wonderful line "Ja, vi må da håbe det bliver bedre i morgen"

Other quotes/vendings (only for those who understand danish):

Oluf to Benny after Gertrud has flipped:
- Ah, hun ska' nok bare til at ha' si' sager.
- Hash???
- Nej, ha' si' sager.
- Nå, præmenstruel, klart nok.

Hansi: I been wadering around in that forbandet skov all night to find toback to the hule!

Hansi (about Benny as Nåsor):
- Hold kæft, where is he da ugly!

Günther: Mein Father war ein sehr berümter Sporhund - in Düsseldorf.

Add more if you want


This board is great! (As well as the Julekalender). It's amazing how funny those qoutes can be in english.
The one of the frontpage (here on imdb) about the teapot having blown up actually made me laugh out loud.
Oluf Sand: The teapot has blown up.
Gertrud Sand, The Kartoffel Avler Woman: Should I make some new?
Oluf Sand: Yes, of course you should make some, the teapot has blown up!

I don't remember the exact words, but there is this scene where Gertrud makes Oluf call the hospital to find out if Benny has been hospitalized there. And they go on repeating the same thing over and over.
Gertrud: What are they saying?
Oluf: Well, they're saying that the computer has broken down and that they can't give us an answer right now.
Gertrud: Does that mean they don't know?
Oluf: Yes.
Gertrud: But what are they saying?!
Oluf: They are saying that the computer has broken down and that they can't give us an answer right now.
Gertrud: But does that mean they don't know?
...and so on.



Yes, the Julekalender is the only christmas-calendar worth watching in my opinion.

Entertaining Satan on a wet electric stage


I've only seen the norwegian version of the Julekalender, but it seems like the translation has been made very similar to the danish one. anyway, it's so brilliant!!! I just LOVE it! it's so hilarious and there are so many memorable quotes which I can't stop myself from repeating (even though it drives my friends and family crazy:P) the Julekalender is simply bloody great!

~I Don't care if you don't want me, I'm your's, I'm your's... right now~
