poor quality subtitling

I loved the movie but the subtitle quality was the poorest I've EVER seen...the lettering coloring was a terrible shade of pale white. Individual letters were incomplete, as though done on a broken typewriter. It was bad and that made it very difficult to fully enjoy the movie.


Totally agree -- with a better translation, the film would rate higher. The translation was so bad that I couldn't understand some parts. I was really annoyed while watching it, knowing I would be enjoying it more if I better understood what was going on.


The translation was actually pretty good. This kind of lettering is rather common for films made in China in the 1990s. Note this is a small budget movie. Some Hong Kong movies' translations are way worse than this.

I better add that I'm talking about the Mei-Ah VCD subtitles. If you are talking about any other, I apologize, I may be wrong.


The editing was also choppy in places, most notably when the boy is about to carry the father across the river. I actually found that the editing and subtitling issues added to the charm of the movie though.


Yeah I agree, the translation was pretty poor, still, I was able to piece it together easily enough, and I didn't necessarily find it taking away from the film too much.
