could someone please

help me with the anwser to this question?

iv'e played and finished chrono trigger once, maybe twice and strongly believe that it is the best RPG game and perhaps the greatest game of all time, if only gaming sites would just admit this game being the best instead of putting everything in catagories! however, many people say, Brad shoemaker from Gamespot for one, that Final Fantasy 3 is better, not to mention a few people on imdb as well (this board)

i have played ff3 however didn't make it far cause i got a little board and didn't know where to go, and then i think, how can a game that is slightly boring and hard to figure out where to go be better than a game of class such as chrono trigger, i really need to know why so many people think that ff3 is better, thanks

peace and love


The reason is simple not all people share the same opinion.

Personally I think that claiming any game to be the greatest game ever is a very foolish statement.

An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God.

