MovieChat Forums > Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999) Discussion > who would you choose as your partner

who would you choose as your partner

Just what the title says which digimon (you can choose more than one if you want) would be your partner.

I always liked the dark digimon like Demidevimon even though he was a bad guy he could have been a great partner in my mind.

Impmon- wow he was so misunderstood, In the middle of the show he killed leomon (in his digivolved form) but still a great partner in my eyes.

and my last pick would be wizardmon from the first season, i thought he was great as a kid i was sad to see him killed off.

so who would you choose?



I'd SO choose Tokomon. He'd use his Super Cute Mega Stare and render all enemies mesmerized.

Oran48: naruto is a god amoung insects


If I could choose my partner it would be Patamon, Gatomon, or Guilmon. They are so cute!



Or maybe I'd choose Renamon. She's strong, and, you know, hot. :P

Oran48: naruto is a god amoung insects



Tentomon or Gomamon deeeefinitely! There'd never be a dull moment and besides they're both pretty strong.


Probably Patamon, because Angemon's about the same level as most Ultimate-digimons and MagnaAngemon was even strong enough to defeat Piedmon!

The third book opens September 21st


Wizardmon, He is pretty much ME as a digimon.
When i was younger i would have dreams Digimon was real and that Wizardmon was my Digimon.


Hmm, I'd pick either...

Gatomon ( but male, if possible. Ever since I saw Season 1, I've loved the Gatomon line.


Lopmon ( I love all its forms and the fact that its last level is one of the 3 Celestial Digimon. Though I love Gatomon, I feel like Lopmon fits me more...

Spike: I wasn't lurking, I was standin' about. It's a totally different vibe.


I'm gonna go traditional and say Agumon... I still love Wargreymon. <33


I would pick Veemon. Hes so cute and funny!


Oh my god, I LOVE THEM BOTH! haha, they were my fav digimon in season one and still are.


Gatomon, because I loved her right from the beginning. Gomamon's another choice high on the list.




Gabumon because he turns into Garurumon and Weregarurumon. I have a thing for wolves, werewolves and wolfish creatures. So sue me.

You! Obey the fist!


Gabumon because he turns into Garurumon and Weregarurumon. I have a thing for wolves, werewolves and wolfish creatures. So sue me.

You! Obey the fist!


because he turns into Angemon
and Angemon kicks ass!!!!


Lopmon! My favorite. then Gatomon & Patamon. It's funny how I liked all three celestial digimon beforee I knew that the were the three cdigimon.

Digimon is Awesome. Anyone who says otherwise, I'll kick in the balls.


Gabumon (so Cute =])n Patamon

My heart is a fist drenched in blood
My soul will fight again- My heart is a fist


Gaomon is the best!


Betamon because he can turn into seadramon and on.

Also, Agumon because of GeoGreymon.
"We're taking a trip to hell and you're riding shotgun!!"



Patamon. I dont know why but Patamon makes me happy whenever I see him.
Another would be Terriermon Because he was so funny in the 3rd season and his big ears.
And another would be Gatomon because shes so cool.
And last would be Gomamon because when I was a little kid I loved seals and I still love seals.


oh wow, there are so many I would want...

Demidevimon (if he was a good guy)
