MovieChat Forums > Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999) Discussion > Best Season besides the first one?

Best Season besides the first one?

Mine goes to Frontiers it was almost as good as season1 plus It had alota good villians such as Mercurymon Lucemon Cherubimon Sakakomon.


Not gonna, lie I actually didn't like the fourth season.
After the first season my favorite one would have to be Tamers...because i thought the characters were so well developed and different from the previous seasons. And i loved how they weren't afraid to kill off major-ish characters. Plus Rika is a total badass. She reminded me of my fave character, Matt.

"What big eyes you have..."


5 is my favorite next to 1.

I would rank it 1, 5, 2, 4, 3.

Tamers was good, just I don't like it when they make the past fake (I used to watch the show, play the cards...). The only good character was Henry, the rest were annoying however it did get better when the Devas showed up.

Frontier was good as well, I like how the digidestined evolved into the digimon. That was a cool idea that started in Tamers and they took it to the next level in Frontier.

Adventure 2 was excellent but the ending dragged it down for me.

Savers was pretty cool and I thought it got the feel of the original. Was a really good season as well.

Adventure 1, nothing beats this. The stories were excellent and the characters were awesome. I loved Angemon.




I Loved
(1) Tamers and (2) Adventure
I liked
Zero Two and Frontier probably the same amount.
I still haven't seen season five.

But I liked what Tamers did. Where digimon did exist, because they explained it, and after that the characters became even more relatable (Because I loved digimon too.) That and the characters got the most development.


My all time favorite season is definitely Tamers. I cared about all the characters and the digimon, the emotional moments were treated with respect when it was dubbed, it was awesome. Adventure is good too, but after watching all the episodes of Adventure and Tamers, I'd say Tamers is definitely the better quality season. 02 was horrible, I despised all the new characters, the jokes were horrible, didn't like the designs of any of the digimon except Paildramon and Imperialdramon (both modes). The only good thing IMO about 02 is Myotismon coming back, only for two episodes yes, but still, the return of probably the most infamous Digimon villain is good anyday. Frontier was ok and I haven't gotten to watching Data Squad yet so I'd order it from best to worst:

Adventure 02


Tamers woudl be it for me. The season started out slow and didn't really care for it until teh devas showed up then it became more your typical digimon season. then when they got to the digital and especailly got into teh chaos arc it was phenomenal. Probably my favorite end to a season.

my order would be:

adventure/zero two

[haven't seen data squad yet]

adventure started out slow but built up as it went along and got really good at the 8th child saga through the end. zero two felt like a rehash of adventure at the start with the rings/gears story. but once it got to the destiny stones i thought it good pretty good. and liekd the connection to teh first season.

Didn't really care for frontiers though. kept hoping it would get better, which it did a littelb it but was never as able to get into it as teh previous seasons. Think the biggest detriment tome was teh fact that we didn't really ahve digimon and their partenrs, jstu kids turning into digimon and that is what kind of killed it for me.


Rank of Seasons from Best to Meh

1. Seasons 1+2
2. Season 3 - Tamers
3. Season 4 - Frontier
4. Season 6 - Xros Wars (It's picking up)
5. Season 5 - Data Squad

Season 5 is meh. The dub was laughable and not charming like the previous seasons, the final villains voice kept putting me in hysterics. However, the cameos of digimon from previous seasons was great and this brought back Nostalgia.

Is it just me or do they kill a Leomon in almost every season.
Season 1 - Leomon and Saber Leomon
Season 3 - Leomon
Season 4 - The One Digidestined Kid that had a Spirit with Leomon in its name
Season 5 - Saber Leomon
Season 6 MadLeomon will end up dying at some point

Most don't like Season 4, but I did liked it and I liked Lucemon. Lucemon hell of a final BIG BAD. But Season 3's D-Reaper was more nightmare fuel.

"Chew on this, motherfrakkers!"



My is easy because it goes in order of the seasons.


I finally got around to watching Data Squad, and it's my 2nd favorite season behind Tamers. I thought it was done really well and from beginning to end it was constantly entertaining unlike the slow starts that all the other seasons had (especially Frontier. Frontier is god awful for the first 20 or so episodes)


I know that it's been almost a year since the last person replied, but I just had to join in!

My favorite season is Adventure 02. It has the odd plot problem (and the epilogue was just ) but it's fun, and emotionally resonant, with some cool ideas (DNA Digivolving excepted. It was too weird )Adventure was also pretty good, but it looses a point for having a few Pokemonish episodes (mostly when the children were split up) That's not to do it down though. It introduced us to the gang!

As for Tamers; I didn't mind it being set in a different continuum, but I hate how it was handled with a burning passion. Digimon should not have been a show within the Tamers continuum It was depressing, and it gave the children less to learn, plus IMHO Takaro creating Guilmon completely defeated the idea of the partners learning to work together, despite not choosing each other. On another note, Biomorphing was absolutelty .

Don't get me started on the powers instead of partners premise used in Frontier . Digimon, to me, is all about the partner dynamic . I would have put seasons 3 and 4 on the same continuum, in a similar manner to 1 and 2.

I can't comment on the two most recent seasons as I haven't seen them.

It might seem strange that I can call myself a Digimon fan having said all this, but that's how much I love Adventure and Adventure 02



season 3 was the 2nd best digimon season in my book
