MovieChat Forums > Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999) Discussion > How old r u Digimon fans,and what's ur f...

How old r u Digimon fans,and what's ur favorite season?

I'm 19 and I still like/watch Digimon whenever I can.I like seasons 1-3 and 4's ok and I haven't seen enough of 5 to really like it or hate it.


i am now 17 and i like season 1 the best i didnt mind 2 because it kind of add to season 1 but the rest was just rediculous


I'm 18 and I still love it. I loved the first two seasons. The third season was...okay and I hated the fourth season. Season five just doesn't appeal enough to me.


Season 4, IMO, was more like Power Rangers than the real Digimon.


I'm 16 and i still watch digimon on youtube. I like seasons 1-3 but 1 was probably my favourite.


I'm 16 and Digimon is the greatest show ever! I like season 1 the best, season 2 was just as good and season 3 is ok, it has the same spirit and style of the first 2, but after that it was retarted. Season 4 and 5 suck! I remember going to school on Monday in first/second grade and me and my friends talking about what happened on Digimon Saturday morning! Dang, I actually feel old, lol.



I'm 15, and I loved the beginning seasons- especially the first, since it was the original and the best IMO. I'm even fine with the 3rd and 4th seasons (although I don't watch episodes of those online like the first two), but I don't have any desire to see the fifth season. It just didn't look appealing.

SYTYCD- Craig, Benji, Travis, Kameron, Neil, Gev <3
R.I.P. Charlie Pace


Season 1 and 2 are the only good ones. Puppetmon was the best Villian in the series. This show was just great. I remember tuning in every Saturday when cartoons were actually good. Really made my childhood.

"The World is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel World is chance." - Two face


17 and i grew up on digimon i loved adventure Zero-2 and Tamers Frontier was ok to me, but it didint add like anything it was just something to watch really. And i am not even going to touch 5. One episode was enough.

What do you say after the mission, we kill all of those floating babies?..
Rock-a-bye Bang.


I'm 21 and loved Season 1 because it was very successful for children to watch and without the episodes about getting together, it wouldn't be successful on moving towards Season 2.


I'm 20 and I loved 1-3! 4 just ruined it for me. But i think 1 and 3 are by far my fav and terriermon is my fav digimon of all time lol

You can't tell me lies, don't even try Cuz this is goodbye


I'm 19 and I've been a fan since it first aired in the US.
I only like the first two seasons, because the plot was really interesting with relatable[ish] characters. After that it became really drab and lame.
The movie was a lot of fun, too!

I'm not annoying, you're just easily annoyed.


I'm almost 16 and I still watch episodes of it in youtube. I think the best ones were the 1st and 2nd seasons. They really made me remember childhood memories :). The third was good too but the fourth one sucked.I loved the 1st and 2nd season movies, especially the one with tai and matt getting sucked in the internet


1 2 4 5 good 3 lousy not lousy just the weakest.



19; I've only seen the first two... the first one is a classic, but I don't really like the second one. I haven't seen anything past then because of all the negative word-of-mouth marketing I've got...


The best season, I think, would be the very first season. I own two volumes of Season 1 episodes on VHS tape. Season 2 was nearly as good. Season 3 wasn't as exciting. Season 4 was more like Power Rangers in how they fight evil than the actual Digimon (which may have been one reason the franchise went downhill). Season 5 was like 1,2 & 3 but was mostly, in my opinion, dull. I like re-watching some episodes of Season 4 & 5, but mostly as a total, they're dull. As for my age, I'm 20.


Im 15 and my favorite is the first of course and the one when the digi destined kids became the digimon!


I'll admit I am probably one of the older fans here(25). My favorite seasons are adventure and 02.
