
does anyone have a fav quote from the book?? thanx



Does anyone know the exact quote from the very end of the movie? It was written across the screen not spoken. It went something like "There is no greater sorrow than remembering times of happiness during times of sorrow." Was that it? I tried to find it on this website as well as on Anita Shreves' website but had no luck. I was very moved by it, it is so true. What a understandable feeling. Nothing like that had ever crossed my mind. I guess the severe trauma she experienced created that truly unique revelation. I'm sure others who have lost a great deal and/or made a mistake that will forever haunt them have felt that exact way but could they ever express it so ingeniously that everyone who read it could relate to and fully understand that state of emotion? I loved this movie and look forward to reading all of Anitas' work. I hope to be able to come to my own conclusion as to whether or not she commited the murders. I'm sure that's not possible as it has never been determined through the extensive research done on the event. I'm sure if there was any evidence that would prove she were guilty (if she was) it was destroyed or ignored. What do you think happened? I haven't read the book that the movie was based on so I don't know how much was exaggerated or fabricated for the screen. But I will as I am more intrigued by this story than by anything else I have ever been exposed to.

