MovieChat Forums > The Weight of Water (2002) Discussion > Hello Polley + Shaw in bed together!

Hello Polley + Shaw in bed together!

I was just about to confirm 1 hrs 49 minutes of wasted time, when Vanessa Shaw suddenly climbed into Sarah Polley`s bed. Thank you Kathryn Bigelow.


yeah that was very hot. titilating. the minute she was all 'can i please sleep in yr bed' i knew they were gonna get close ;)
i thought the movie was pretty good tho. and it being a true story is worth something (i may take a little trip to the isle of shoals ;))
i could've done without elizabeth hurley tho. she is insanely hot and has a sexy voice, but that's about it. and sean penn is useless. honestly, how many producers is he sleeping with to still be in pictures? *rolls eyes*
infact, i'd rather the movie had focused entirely on maren hontvedt and her lonely life on an island. sarah polley was engaging in that role :)


hello suzy.

i haven't seen the film and i'm a lesbian too (i've implied you're a woman, but if i was wrong pls forgive me) but i think sean penn is a very good actor. maybe you meant he was wasted in this film?

have you seen "The Assassination of Richard Nixon"? i think he does an amazing job there.



Just saw it last night, I'm not a woman, and I ain't gay, so I'll toss a hetero guy's opinion into the thread lol.
I'll disagree with Nisaak, the movie isn't what I'd call a waste of time, but it ain't no epic. I rate movies like this, Theater-DVD-TV-Don't bother, if it's a really good movie it's worth the $30 for tickets/popcorn/soda/etc. If it's worth watching when you're bored, it falls in the "Wait for it to come out on TV" catagory. I put this one in the TV league.

It could have been a lot better, but I think it suffers from "Trying to say to much", it tried to be a thriller and a drama and a (almost) documentary and an action film all at once, that's a lot to pull off for any director.
I do agree with most of what Suzylux said, but um, not about Hurley, insanely hot? Yes!
She was the eye candy, and I loved every minute of it!
Do without it? Hell no! lol

I also agree with her and you, Lyliakar, about Penn, but for different reasons. I've seen a lot his movies and I see what is to me a clear pattern. Penn is usually pretty awesome when it comes to Action/Adventure/Thriller movies, but when it comes to Drama, he sucks. I realize it's partly the roles themselves, but he always comes across as "Pathetic" to me, I just don't think he's made for that type of roll.

All in all, it's worth watching, but it lack's focus, Suzy's idea is a good one, but ANY sort of focus would make this movie better, too many sub-plots, and not enough emphasis on Plot.
Carefully wording this next part so it won't be a spoiler...
The death at the very end makes no sense to the point of being stupid, there was no logical reason for it to happen, and I could see no reason for it being in the script either.

An HSX Baron


I thought the best part was every second Vinessa Shaw was on screen. Did you like her????

The Hills Have Eyes 3/10/06
AaronSatnford DanByrd VinessaShaw EmilieDeRavin KathleenQuinlan.



haha, deal. yeah, i really enjoyed the film.

Black Christmas
KatieCassidy LaceyChabert MichelleTrachtenberg CrystalLowe MaryElizabethWinstead.


Um - am a woman and aint gay...but it was a beautifully shot film. Evocative and just kept me engaged to the end. Having said that I agree with the main review - it fell short on the developing the 'modern' end of the story. Why was Jean so against Penn's character in the library if she loved him. Was he cheating on her and she found out? Was Penn's character already cheating with Hurley's before they came on the boat.

What intrigued me more was the relationship between Lucas' character and Jean - he loved her and didn't like to see her hurt and watched out for her. It was moving.

'Why isn't 11 called onety one?'
