Did the boat sink?

In the end, Jean is talking to the Coast Guard in their office and wearing a CG jacket. Outside the window it's a sunny day with calm seas. Then you also see Rich is with her. This could only mean their boat sank. Also, you don't see Adeline. Did she go down with it? She was pulled back onto the boat in the storm. Did the book shed any light on this?

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.



Thanks. After that, you see the CG pulling Thomas' body out of the water, which seems to indicate the boat did sink. Oh well. I thought the movie was reaching anyway.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.



I thought Penn was an embarrassment in this movie. He's capable of much better. He seems to enjoy wallowing in his own pain and generally degrading himself, like in U-Turn and Carlito's Way.

I enjoyed the cast the performances and the scenery/setting. The movie was beautiful to look at. The Smuttynose murders were interesting. It was the first I learned about them, but the whole concept of juxtaposing them with the relationships of the two couples a century later was forced. The filmmakers were really straining to make some kind of cosmic, spiritual psuedo-feminist connection that just wasn't there.

Also, the idea of the woman (and not the hired man as most people seem to agree) committing the murders out of repression and rage and the thing with her brother (and especially killing her own sister!) seemed forced as well. Again, they were trying to make that theory fit in with their preconceived story idea. Did the woman actually have an affair with her brother in real life? Did anyone believe this before they made the movie or was it something the filmmakers concocted?

The best part for me was Liz Hurley in a bikini with the ice. Yowza! I'd give my eye teeth for a night with her, and I'd hand her the pliers! With no anesthetic!

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.



Yes, I think they did have an affair, and more power to Jean. Her husband obviously didn't care about her, although as you can guess, from the mans point of view, I can't imagine passing up Adaline/Liz.

Sean Penn is a talented actor and has done some great stuff, like in Mystic River,
but now he's on a do-gooder, save-the-word kick and has just become boring. He also seems to have a streak of self-hatred.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.



No, I haven't seen that. I hear he's pretty good in it, but that it doesn't stack up to the Broderick Crawford version. It also seems like miscasting. He doesn't look a bit like Huey Long. It seems like more of Sean Penn wanting to be a "man of the people" playing the populist politician.

I think Adeline came on the boat trip in the first place because she wanted to meet Thomas. She was basically a groupie.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


I think that Rich was a player and had no intentions of getting serious with Adeline. He knew that she was one of his brother's groupies. Rich just brought her along because he was easy and wouldn't have any problems get her to put out. She was just something to do. I felt sorry for Jean having to watch her husband flirt with that tramp and him ignoring her during the trip. Jean knew he wanted to screw her. If he hadn't died she should've divorced her. He didn't care about her anymore anyway.


That's one tramp I'd like to meet.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.



Pleased to meet you "Liz", my name's "Josh"...

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


Yeah, Josh is a hottie!!



I'd be his tramp for the weekend!



American Psycho

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


I first saw him in A Beautiful Mind.



I'm sorry, but Sweet Home... was a total disaster. The ending was totally ridiculous. Candy Bergen was funny, though: "Go on back to your double-wide and fry something!".

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.



I'll see anything with Liz Hurley in it, and she's made some turkeys. Also Chloe Sevigny and Natalie Press, although I can't believe Chloe made Party Monster after getting off to such a good career start.

It was crazy for the Reese character to give up her promising career in NYC so she could live the rest of her life in DogPatch, the place she struggled to get out of in the first place, even if the mayors son was a jerk.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.



You saw Rich and Jean and Adeline in the last scene.


I don't recall seeing Adeline, but maybe she was cut out of the version I saw. I thought the reason they were in the CG office, and that Jean was wearing a CG jacket, was because they were pulled out of the water. But maybe they were there to report Sean Penn's drowning.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.
