I taped this show - TRUST - but the last 30 minutes was missing ugh! so I do not know what happened.
Does anyone remember since I am unable to find out despite my numerous attempts.
I got to the point where Anne the solicitor found out that her husband the shrink raped his patient 10 years ago (he's currently in court facing mudering his other patient and dumping her in a garbage truck.
My guess is that the boyfriend did it and is trying to frame his friend in order to get the wife to himself.
I notice that other comments suggested a contrived and inpalusible ending.
Can anyone help me here?
Thanks, Murray


You really should put "SPOILERS" in the title of your post. And it wasn't who you thought it was.


Actually, it's quite interesting who did it, but I agree with the post which said the ending was all too contrived and implausible - and served to spoil what was up to that point a perfectly good story with very good acting all round.

I particularly liked the defence lawyer character - what was his name again?
Not Ann of course - the other one who was doing all the cross-examining in court.



just in case you come back here...4 years later.

Dead slut confronts wife in parking garage and wants wife to leave hubby.
Wife doesn’t believe slut and walks away.
Slut taunts and walks after wife.
Wife pushes slut, she falls down, wife then rages on slut, killing her.
Wife puts slut in rubbish.


Why is she a slut?
They are all having affairs?
Do you have issues with women?
Maybe you should see someone about these issues.


I agree, lol. Tara was going to therapy, she clearly had issues and in a very vulnerable state.

Michael and Anne deserved each other, both hypocrites.


The elevator door, which seemed to have an automatic closure device, killed the other woman.


I think you need to watch it again.
