getting this film

Does anybody know whether this film is available anywhere for download or rent or buy in either uk or us?

I have been lookin for ages and cannot find it anywhere. Please either post a reply or email me. My address is [email protected]



I know you can buy the REGION 2 DVD here:
The site is in Danish. Just send me a PM through IMDb if you need any language help. The cover is in Danish, but the movie is defitely in English! The above site was the cheapest place I could find it, and I bought it from there, myself.

And the Region 1 DVD is for sale online a few places, including;


It's also available on Amazon.

Riddle me this...
Why is a raven like a writing desk?



Thanks so much emenel i've been searching for the region 2 version of this for a year! They don't sell it on any UK websites or shops. Thanks again.
(the dvd costs £13.75 to send to the uk by visa or mastercard).



i got mine from a website called carefour, the covers in spanish but the dvd's in english
