MovieChat Forums > Snow Queen (2002) Discussion > Movie is on TV tonight, well Monday very...

Movie is on TV tonight, well Monday very early am on Hallmark!!!

It is on the Hallmark Channel at 3am (very early) - very excited!!!


i watched it and then at the end of it is said to be continued. Whens the rest of it comming on.

~*~I am a huge Charmed and Nascar Fan. I luv Dale Earnhardt Jr & Charmed.~*~


I was quite upset when it said "To be continued." I found on the IMdb site that the second portion will be on Monday, Dec. 3 at 1:00 AM. If, as usual, that is Eastern Time Zone, that means 11:00 PM for me, as I am in Mountain Standard Time Zone. A really fine film.

You can't fix stupid - Ron White


thanks for that info on when the rest will air. i watched it and fell in love with it tonight and can't wait to see the rest of it. i was so angry that they didn't have the second part too, considering they only showed paid programming after it.

don't blame God for the bad things in life,thank Him for the good things.God Bless


U can buy it from they have it in there. If anyone has this movie o dvd or on their computer please email it to me. Pm me on here to get my email address. I love that movie and cant wait till monday mornin to watch the rest.

~*~I am a huge Charmed and Nascar Fan. I luv Dale Earnhardt Jr & Charmed.~*~


I taped it when it came on, and I just watched it, and I was miffed that it was to be continued. The second part doesn't come on until next week.


Are you sure its the second part? I hope cause ive never seen the movie before and was a lil bored by it. I still wanted to see what happened because it must get better, and I definately want to see how it ends.


Thanks for the info below on the 2nd part. I was thinking 1.5 hours was really short once I saw the running time. It was nice to watch with no commercials though.


Kinda random question, but what year or decade was this movie set in??? Just out of curiousity.

