MovieChat Forums > Girlfight (2000) Discussion > other MR movies ppl like ...?

other MR movies ppl like ...?

This film rocks ... MR really is such a wicked actress. She has SO MUCH talent, I love her work and the way she can pull off the roles she plays. I know ppl may look down on me for this, but I also love Resident Evil, if MR wouldn't have been in it, it would suck, lol. K, well I'm not making sense but thats okay! What other movies does everyone else like??

Disconnect and let me drift until my upside down is right side in


I never wanted to watch part 2 of resident evil because they killed her off in the first movie. I was so pissed when they did that.


Yeah, I know what you mean!! I was really unhappy when that was done too ... she was the character that actually MADE the film amazing! Ah well ... shi*t happens. Take care people

Disconnect and let me drift until my upside down is right side in


hey i love michelle rodriguez to death, but seriously, res evil 2 is 10Xs better than the first. I already bought a copy of the DVD. Of course I also bought blue crush too, which has michelle rodriguez, and is also a great movie...


Sorry for the flame, but I thought she sucked in RE. Badly. Ever see Aliens? Vasquez did the butch marine thing very well. Rodriguez... not so well. I can't get the scene where she says, "Poor bastards" out of my head. It was so awful. What about the, "She bit me" monologue? There are so many glowing horrible moments. How can you not even say short sentences in a convincing manner?

I'm all about women power and all that great stuff. But damn. She needs to go back to acting school (if she ever went there at all, which I doubt).

Sorry for the flame. Just how I feel.




She does suck....bad.

Granted the parts she played may have been written well.....but she has NO TALENT Whatsoever. She always plays the badass Latina and I'm sick of it. She has no range at all....just look at her (barely) complete body of work. If she was a good actress, she would have done more, but clearly she can only play her heritage to the max, which disgusts me as a Hispanic.



i dont get how u think she's a bad actress she made that movie great she played a bad ass chick and played it well

sry but thats just how i feel... iam ALL about women power


The fast and the furious, SWAT...


Resident Evil rocked (the audio commentary is one of the best out there...def a guilty pleasure and the second one was awesome as well.) Fast and the Furious, SWAT, and Girlfight. Bluecrush was alright but not up there on my list. Also, check out the picture of her on IMDB. thats a great picture. Hopefully we get to see more of her in the future.


Michelle rodriguez is a fantastic actress and was only used to her full potential in Girlfight, her debut. This truly puzzles me as she is an exceptional actress. In Resident Evil she wasn't displayed properly. Actually in Resident Evil neither Michelle nor Milla Jovovich, two wonderful actresses, were not used to their full potential. In Blue Crush Michelle was only a minor character if you think about it which sucked coz she has the right independent attitude to pull off the tough surfer chick role, and i would know coz I am an Auzzie surfie chick.

Anyway all the best of luck to Michelle.

Love Ast


she's not the saviour of lost what the hell are you talkking about. yeah she's pretty good in te show but she's not up to par with the original cast members. I have no beef with michelle rodriguez except she tends to play the same role everytime. resident evil, Swat, lost. her acting is all the same in all of them. its like watching an arnold shwarzenneger film. he plays the same character often lol. althought i really did like the first resident evil film but the second one was way better except for the lara croft look alike.



UM....... yeah your the one to trust resident evil sucked this sucked:IM SORRY ITS JUST WOMENS BOXING NO ONE CARES so trust me dont see this one see million dollar baby better story (way better acting) or for the best boxing movie ever see rocky.




Resident Evil (2002). She drew me into the movie ALOT. I mean I was allready loving the movie but when the commandos bashed in through the windows, I almost died. It was sweet. Then when she took her gasmask off and said "Blow me" to Matt, oh man I was sooo into her. I couldent get up to go to the bathroom I wanted to see what witty and brutal line she would say next. Michelle Rodriguez is a SAVIOR to the butch type. Allthough I did not really enjoy S.W.A.T. I did get to see her sexy stomach. Girlfight is just another ( no GREAT) example of a wunderbar actress waiting to be found. And well, I think they found her. I never in my LIFE thought I would be watching LOST but when I found out she was a big part of it in the like what is it now 4th season? I just had to start watching. Shes also voicing for a character in IGPX (Immortal Grand Prix) and well I know her voice from anywhere and I love it. Michelle Rodriguez r0x my s0x! Shes like the one reaosn I play Halo 2. I play that level over and over and over and over.........

We don't go to Ravenholm


Anyone see her in the movie 3 AM ?


Watching Grilfight and she is very good in this. Very raw. I like that. Maybe she was just "playing herself" but to do that ONSCREEN with lines and events you know to be fictitious, requires genuine talent, which she has.

She was good in SWAT but the character and script were poor. I think they need to stop giving her these damn punch lines and two word badas phrases like some female Arnold Schwarzenegger or soemthing and give her something real to work with.

Girlfight was the only good movie she has been in, in my eyes.


So far i have liked all her movies ive seen - girlfight/fast and the furious/s.w.a.t/resident evil and lost. but im deff gonna check ouot her other movies.
i think shes a great actress and its a shame her roles havnt had larger parts(except girlfight) - but there is hope as she is doing two upcoming movies - the breed and something else both where she is a lead character...yay, lol.
and yeah she does do similar characters but at the moment thats what she wants to do so let her be - interview [cosmo] What sort of roles do you want to play?
“Strong, rebellious, wild [ones], I want roles that are about the girl who’s feminine and masculine; the girl who’s not the girlfriend, the girl who has the boyfriend.”Do you worry about being typecast?
“I do and it’s a predicament, I admit, I put myself in. Now I have to show I have a strong feminine side, too; that I can step outside the realm of tough chick.”
well all i can say is rock on michelle an do ur thing.


resident evil, lost, the fast and the furious are my favourites. swat, blue crush were alright, esp MR parts. i wanted to see IMGP the moment i heard about it, still do. and the rest of her works
