MovieChat Forums > Girlfight (2000) Discussion > The end was ridiculous....

The end was ridiculous....

She beating a guy (that was supposed to be good) was just plain stupid. A girl against a boy in a boxing match can only have one outcome...


Not arf guv.


Apparently this guy hasn't seen Lucia Rijker box. She would spar with male boxers ranked in the top 20 and make them feel it. Boxing is 90% heart.


Yea, I agree. Boxers like Laila Ali could whip him anyday. And when he says that a bout between a girl and a guy can have only one outcome, he implies that all men are stronger than all women. Aaahhh some people's narrow mindedness amuses me. The fact is, not everyone is the same. There will always be exceptions to the rule. Sure, on average, and let me stress the word average here, most guys are physically stronger than most women. But note the word most. There will be some women who are stronger than some or most men and vice versa. He's got to remember that not all women are 5 foot 4 tall with muscle deficient arms, and not all men are mega muscle arnie style body builders.
And like guayabera said, boxing is 90% heart. Not sure I fully agree with that but physical strength is most definately not the only factor need in sport to win. It takes immense mental and emotional strength also.


And some people's unfounded pretentiousness amuses me. A woman CANNOT, under any circumstances, even with the use of anabolic steroids get any stronger than a relatively strong man. It's physiologically impossible, and if you don't believe me, you can check with your doctor next time. This is especially true in weight class based sports like boxing. A top level male boxer competes at around 6% body fat, whereas that level isn't even attainable by a woman. Even those scary looking female bodybuilders don't have less than 9% body fat, and they're not even classifiable as women anymore. They're breasts are shriveled, they no longer have menstraul cycles, etc. Lucia, who is about as solidly built as any female boxer you'll see, still doesn't come in at less than 12% body fat. That means she has twice as much bodyfat as her male counterparts. Big difference there.

"Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual."



Um...does anyone here even watch boxing? Lucia Rijker is the ONLY woman in the world he is even close to being worthy of calling herself a boxer (don't bring up Laila Ali...she sucks and is nothing but a media creations...she still closes her eyes when she throws a punch, for crying out loud!), and she would literally be killed by anyone in the top 100 of the men's 140 division.

"Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual."


So who thinks laila Ali can beat let's say.... Roy jones jr?????



I've read that Lucia Rijker beats up on her male sparring partners, so I think it's possible.



Somewhere there's a professional male boxer the Laila Ali could beat. The question as to whether she could beat Tyson isn't relevent. She isn't even in the same weight divison as Tyson.



Sunshine Fettkether is a female kickboxer who TKO'd a male fighter who weighed 20 lbs more than her in a no holds bar cage fight. There's no law of physics that says that every man can beat up every woman.

But I'd have to disagree with whoever said that Michelle Rodriguez can kick any guy's ass. She's 5'4", and probably 120lbs. Maybe she can take on a 15 year old kid, but she's an actress, not a fighter.




Have you never seen "Jack Ass". First watch the movie, then look in the mirror.


LMAO! That was a good one.


The only thing I found ridiculous was the claim that Adrian weighs in at 125lbs.


This message is more ridiculous then the ending of the film, i really enjoyed the ending.Throughout the film we see her train her butt off, she deserved to win this fight, and its not like she knocked him out she won on points, there is nothing un-believeable about the ending.
