Unrealistic Ending

I thought the movie was good up until the end when Diana fought Adrian.

1) There’s no way they could even be the same weight. He’s a few inches taller and has much more muscle than she does. The first guy she fought is supposed to be the same weight class as she was and he looks it. However, you want me to buy the fact that the first guy and Adrian are supposed to weigh the same? Come on.

2) He has been training for much longer than she has. Throughout the movie Adrian is depicted as a great boxer. So Diana just magically gains this tremendous amount of skill in 2 fights and a short amount of time?

3) I’m not trying to be a jerk here, but pound for pound men and women are not equal physically. Their bodies are just different. Look at the world weightlifting records. http://www.iwf.net/wrec/world.html The pound for pound comparisons aren’t even close and get dramatically further away the heavier the weight class.

Look at the world records for track and field. The men’s records are much better in all categories. http://www.gbrathletics.com/wrec.htm

Now an elite female athlete would be any average guy and any average male athlete across the board. However in the movie Adrian isn’t an average guy off the street.

I thought Michelle Rodriguez did a great job in the movie, but the horrible ending ruined the whole movie.


I agree....

He had been training for a year longer and he had ambitions. There is no way he could have lost while fighting at 100%. In my experience, a man competing against a woman can compete in "gentleman mode" or in "normal mode". If Adrian fights like a gentleman he may lose, but that wasn't the case here.

A better ending would include Adrian beginning the fight like a gentleman, then realizing that Diana was too good for that and then defeating her like an equal human being, thereby gaining her respect.




1, yes that def is unrealistic. I can't believe they are the same weight. He looks wayyy bigger than the first guy she fought.

Points 2 and 3 can be realistic. Even though in the end of the movie he said he gave it his all. I doubt that he really fought her to the best of his ability. She was his Girlfriend. He was hesitant in wanting to fight her in the first place because of their relationship. It seemed more like he didn't give it his best shot which i find realistic. Remember He gave her a good punch to the face first. After that it seemed like he felt a little bad for punching her and let her beat him up because he felt bad for his original punch.


Plus, aside from the ending being unrealistic, I also thought it was (1) unnecessary and (2) cliche to even have these two characters fight each other in the first place. Kind of marred an otherwise enjoyable film.

All the plot you need is that The Warriors have to "bop their way back to Coney." —alanmc1uk
