Sure signs of a remake

So Square-Enix is giving Final Fantasy IV the same remake treatment they gave to FF III on the DS. It's going to be fully 3D with FMV movies for larger story points. And you know what else? Voice acting!

I think it's pretty clear that they're going to work their way through V and VI again, like they did on the GBA. The DS version of III made a lot of money, and it's pretty obvious that IV would definitely be a crowd pleaser, since it's more popular.

So not only are there now legitimate signs that VI will receive a complete remake, but there will be voice acting available too! I can't be the only FF geek excited about the prospect. This could about make my decade. Just so long as they do it right (good character designs in 3D and good voice acting).

"...and everything under the Sun is in tune, but the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon...." -DSotM.


I wish they would remake IV-IX for the PS3 so we could get some voice acting and kick ass graphics.

Life is but a passing dream, but the death that follows is eternal- Seymour FFX


Well, I do happen to think there was some worth to the old silent method. It gave it a kind of moving book feel, where your imagination still filled in parts of the characters and setting. And, appropriate to the game we're talking about here, the silence combined with the music did give the whole thing kind of an operatic feel.

However, it must be said that I agree that the pre-VII FF games haven't aged particularly well, and I think my enjoyment of VI rides a bit on nostalgia, as much as how good the game is. There's no doubt that it's the best of the old 2D FF games, and it is in many ways great. But graphically, some of the things that happened in it do deserve a better graphical treatment.

Now, as to whether they need to be on the PS3... I disagree. We don't need these characters looking photo-realistic. If you're concerned about the DS' ability to look good, just have a gander at this trailer:

One thing I noticed is that, with voice acting, the script will probably be refined to be a bit more realistic (kind of hard to imagine an actual voice yelling "You spoony bard!"). That could go a long way towards improving the presentation.

My thoughts, anyway.

"...and everything under the Sun is in tune, but the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon...." -DSotM.


Id love to see FF 6 redone onto the PS3 and become playable with updated Graphics n wut not. But I doubt that will happen to FF 6 due to the shere amount of characters you have accessable to you.

Although if they would update the game I would fall in love with FF6 all over again. Even if its still the greatest FF game EVER! Sorry FF7. You might of had a better villian but I still take 6 over 7 anyday.

Dean:Can I kill her?
Sam: ....... Not in public.


FF6 Remake?


My nerd fire has just exploded in fiery passion.


Exciting. Indeed. Further proof lies in the fact that now, less than a full year after VI's release on the GBA, the game is almost impossible to find. I think SE just wanted to fulfill their pledge to make the game available, but after finding success on the DS, has decided to remake IV-VI just like they did III. That would also explain why no one released a good guide for VI like they did for IV and V. I think they're just plowing along for the remake route. IV is already out in Japan and is on the way here, so I imagine over the next year or two we'll see V and VI as well.

...and watch out for your... "nerd fire." I don't really want to know what that refers to. Personally, hoping it's something along the lines of a Flare spell or something. Just keep it innocent, man!

"...and everything under the Sun is in tune, but the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon...." -DSotM.


You think Sephiroth was a better villain than Kefka??? Blasphemous! jk. I thought FFVIII just completely sucked, I was sorely disappointed in it. I even gave up half way through playing it out of mere indifference and/or boredom.


Graphics don't make a game, guys. I'm not against remakes, but I really don't see the point. It's not like they screwed up the first time.

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?



Think they'll remake chrono trigger too?



WeirdRaptor, I couldn't agree with you more.

Remaking these games into 3D defeats the entire purpose of what made them so charming, atmospheric, and imaginative to begin with. FFIV is another example of a game that's far more fun to watch unravel in its 16-bit form. 3D kills the experience. But most folks don't quite get that.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


I would love to see a remake of FF6 with a voice cast in it for one main reason; The Opera scene. As long as they don't mess it up and get some bad voice actor, I would love to see a 3D (or cutscene) version of the Opera.

Until they do though, this is all that I've got (which is fantastic all on its own, don't get me wrong... but I would love to see a computer generated Celes singing it on that stage like we saw in the game).


So it looks like this didn't happen....?

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here
