Where can I buy a DVD/VCD?

Hello people!
I have been looking for a copy of this movie for quite some time now. hope you guys can tell me how I can get a copy or download one. Thanks!


Hi. I just bought the DVD Movie called "Charlie" on Bestprices.com
This is the movie based on "Flowers for Algernon"
I hope this is what you have been looking for.


I'm sure that Wilson meant the newer film. "Charly" is quite easy to find now. I got it off Amazon a couple of weeks ago. For the year 2000 film, you have to make a reserve/request for it because it isn't available.


Hey guys,
I have also been looking for a copy of the 2000 flowers for algernon movie. I LOVED the book and the original movie, "Charly". However, i have not been able to find this newer movie anywhere! I looked on many different websites, and could not even find a place to request this film. If there is any way you can help me, I would be very appreciative. Also, is it ever going to be on TV again? what channel was it originally aired on? Thanks so much!!


The reason this version of the movie is not available is because its actually a Hallmark production. (As in the card company!) I used to work for a Hallmark store and just about a year ago Hallmark started to sell their movies on VHS and DVD. They have yet to release Flowers for Algernon. I believe the original channel it aired on was ABC but its been awhile since I have seen it aired. So there is in fact no actual video that I am aware of. I missed it but heard it was a great film. Pity there is no video.


Hey, does anyone know if this will ever be on again? i have never seen it but i really want to. ( The book was awesome) also, was charly's mom and sister in this one? what about fay? In the earlier movie none of them were mentioned. thanks!


We watched it and read the book in our language arts class at my school. The movie mentions Charly's mom and has a couple scenes with her too. I don't know about his sister or Fay though. My favorite part was when Charly went back to school after he regressed. When he sat in his chair, he says "I'm ready to become a gen-ass". (Charly really means genius.) And then someone else in his class, Mike, says "More like jackass".


the movie is called charly. US blockbuster says on their site they have it and released it in march of 2005


Hey..how do I make a special request for this movie? I want this movie soo bad! thank you!



I taped the 2000 "Flowers" off air and have converted that to a DVD. In Mr. Keyes excellent autobiography, Algernon, Charlie and Me - he mentions that Cliff Robertson tried to block the Broadway musical and the 2000 movie due to his purchase of the rights for his movie. I've often wondered if that had anything to do with the fact that the movie was never rerun or put out in video in the U.S. I have found mention of a Canadian release. I hope it comes out. I'd like a copy.



thank dog they blocked making this into a musical. while it's a great story in all the previous presentations (the book, the original theatrical release "charly", and the tv movie), i don't think that a story like this would translate well into a musical. my personal belief (and i'm sure that there are those who would dispute it), is that it would trivialize the story.


Didn't Robertson himself star in the musical version in Broadway. I'm fairly sure I read that somewhere.

Now where can I find this film? Ever since I saw a preview for it seven years ago, I've been looking for it everywhere. By the way, "Charly" sucked, and Robertson was awful in the role. His retarded Charlie actually looked smarter than the genius. I'll bet Modine has outdone Robertson. Modine looks both smart and dumb at the same time.


