Similar movies

Do you people know of any movies which contain the same kind of "surreal" and "twisted" environments as in The Cell? You know.. like distorted reality, and nightmare-like imagery?

...As our wings break through the waves


requiem for a dream
mulhollannd dr
jacobs ladder

i used 2 b loveactually-1.


Thanks for the advice, jackiswaytwocool! ..though; i've seen all of those.. =/

...As our wings break through the waves


If you really want twisted/obscure/bizarre imagery, check out The Holy Mountain. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.


Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Hellraiser/Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Tokyo Fist

I've also heard that Alejandro Jodorowsky's films are rather bizarre like our friend above says, but I've only seen El Topo so I don't know much. Santa Sangre sounds especially strange to me.



The fountain

There are a lot of great twisted movies out there, just look for them... :o)


Don't be fooled by Stay. It's a horrible movie.



I really love Stay, it's beautiful, confusing, but at the end it all comes together. I think it's a great treat for the mind, music and imagery are amazing and I loved all the actors.

My only complaint is that it lets us know to much about what's going on. :/

But yeah, I would say this is in a similar category as The Cell, but not as much on the thriller side.


"The Jacket" is a great mind film and so is "The Machinist"


Hell yeah. I had forgotten about The Jacket and The Machinist.


Be sure to catch "The Forbidden Zone"...It's old...but it's great.

Any Tool video is amazing!!

Hey smilin' strange
you're looking happily deranged


How about "The Fall". Its by the same director and although no apparent CG was used in it, it does have its bizzare moments.


Its a visual film.


maybe you should watch some Burton's movie
or this one: "What Dreams May Come" it has typical Hollywood ending, except that it's really good.


As in Tim Burton? God, I hope not. Burton's movies are like this only if you're an emo highschool kid. God, highschool ruined Burton for me.

Currently reading: [I NEED A BOOK.]
Currently listening to: Bright Eyes


Hey, bro, Sleepy Hollow is one of the most beautiful films ever made. Mediocre script, but thats a different matter.



YES! Matthew Barney. I NEVER thought I'd see his name come up on IMDB. GREAT suggestion. If you DO track down the films, then check out his art monographs, incredible too, the next step. This is COMPLETELY off track, but.. The scene where J LO first goes into his mind and he yells: "WHERE DO YOU COME FROM", well (just trivia, but..) check out the latest "Empire of the Sun" Music Video (sorry, have forgotten the name, but it ONLY has him in it/very minimal/singing to camera/LOTS of Blue lighting, clothes, etc..).. Anyway, the vocalist, Luke Steele, literally has THE EXACT SAME FACE MAKE-UP ON, AS IN "THAT" SCENE. Not just similar , THE SAME (the humming-bird painting above his eyes, etc..) JUST like Vincent D.. Excuse my rambling, just saw that video for first time the other night and TOTALLY made me grab my dvd of "The Cell" off the shelf after at least 2 years since the last viewing, and DAMN MAN, it is JUST the same (the song is a "sweet" ballad, BTW, so it makes it even more F'd up with Blue/White contact lenses, pretty funny!).. Oh, and RE: the subject(!) here are some Directors whose films, while not as "dark", ARE visually STUNNING (and often more than just style over substance): Andrei Tarkovsky, Hideo Nakata, Harmony Korine, David Lynch, Alexandre Aja (check out his film "Mirrors" for a very similar ride), Bruce Nauman (more like Barney, not a "film"maker as such), David Fincher, oh and yeah definately "Holy Mountain" (like a 70's "Cell" on acid, if that's possible to imagine?!), and of course, Billy Wilder and Alfred Hitchcock and Kubrick.


Seeing this movie, an older one comes to mind.. "Brainstorm" (1983) with Christopher Walken.
Although not as "twisted" or "surreal", it ahead of it's time, opening up the topic of the human mind and reality..


If you like this film, another filmmaker you might want to check out is Ken Russell. Gothic, The Devils and Lisztomania, especially.



Actually The Cell seems like a near-direct rip-off of a story by Roger Zelazny, one of the sci-fi/fantasy greats (e.g. Amber series). His story was called The Dream Master, published circa 1965, definitely pre-dating the somewhat similar Dreamscape movie (1984) with Dennis Quaid, and BrainStorm (1983). In The Dream Master, the main character, Charles Render, has the near-identical equipment setup to enter into peoples minds and dreams, and participate and alter them. Instead of the rather thin, poorly thought-out serial killer plot of The Cell, the main plot of The Dream Master is that Render, somewhat ill-advisedly decides to enter into the mind of a blind patient. Not to give too much away, but about the same thing happens -- if the patient's mind is too strong, the enterer (Render or Jenn Lopez) gets trapped in the patient's mind.

Also see Ursula LeGuin's Lathe of Heaven, which was made into a movie (so-so). Somewhat similar notions of dreams, reality and therapists that try to manipulate them.


Thanks for the responses from an old-time sci-fi fan.

-- Never do anything halfway !





stay, jacob's ladder, the cube 2.

last movie seen: 2 Days in Paris


Stay away from any Cube movies other than the first one. Cube 2 and Cube Zero were lousy. The first one was creepy and different, but the sequels were little more than copies.

If you want to see a good, eerie, atmospheric movie, try "Paperhouse." It's pretty cool.


Speaking of Tim Burton, how about Big Fish? Thats kind of twisted
Here are other movies/ series
:Donnie Darko
:Twin Peaks
: Lost
:Anything from Charlie Kaufman
:Pulp Fiction


Paperhouse is pretty freaky... Try that if you're looking for mysterious, dark and surreal films.


I actually really enjoyed the second one. Sure, it was cheesy and poorly acted but I felt the story was well done. Never tried Cube Zero, too violent for my taste.

Voting History:


Check out Salvador Dali's surreal dream sequence in Hitchcock's Spellbound or his work on Un Chien Andalou.

My will is strong but my won't is weak


flatliners and a clockwork orange.
