Wee Campbell

I just found this on youtube and fell in love with Campbell! David Tennant, Doctor Who, was amazing! Half the time I wasn't sure of Campbell was crazy or being silly.

What's your favorite Campbell moment?! Mine is when he lockes himself in the radio station in episode two.


There are so many to choose from... but I loved it when after his 'manic episode', he's lying in his bed, talking to Eddie and says 'Great acting, eh?' and winks. lol.

But tbh, all of his moments are pretty darn amazing.


True. David Tennant was amazing!


It was a tour de force of acting - and he was what, 23? Incredible.


I have only just got this on DVD and watch it all in one week. David Tennant is amazing as Campbell, so manic but so loveable. He was so young then yet he had great acting talent back then. Love him!


He's just wonderful, isn't he.

So charismatic! For one so young, he exuded star quality even at the beginning of his career and continues to do so.

I watched TotA again yesterday. Meant to watch just one ep, but got hooked and watched it all. So very good and with a stellar cast of brilliant performers who are probably largely unknown outside of the UK.

I especially value those scenes between Campbell and his dad, which were so brilliantly acted. Tennant can turn from happy and manic to stunned and devastated/ hurt in just a breath. He has the most flexible facial muscles and seems to be in total control of them to a remarkable degree. He can show the infinitesimal changes of emotion, nano second by nano second. Wonderful.
