Below Average Anime.

Whenever you have an annoying lead character your usally in trouble, but then there are exceptions like "Naruto." GTO is not one of these exceptions. This thing is a pain to watch, and is not funny. Yes it can be said that it presents the viewer with a complete package....but its all done poorly, from the drama, to the action to the comedy. And to finish off from the start the lead guy is an absoultue head ache, is a pain to look at and hear. One of the worst leads I have ever seen.

-------Below Average-------4/10

DiamondDawgg-----Just my views.


Actually, the main lead in Naruto is more like the average anime character, with nothing particulary memorable about him. Onizuka has a lot more attitude, and even with all his childish pranks he has way more maturity, he is like a cross between Sakuragi from Slam Dunk and Kintaro from Golden Boy, but still retaining a different spot.

Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone.


well, since you brought up naruto >_>
isn't that the show about ninja's? you know, those stealthy ninjas that reveal all their secrets, introduce themselves before they fight and are known by just about everybody.
yeah naruto, isn't that the show where it takes 1 episode to introduce someone and then they've got 3 episodes worth of material to use in flashbacks later on?
isn't it?


Hehe :) I love GTO and this is the best anime for me. No comments. I have yet to watch Naruto though.

But just a question: How come the starter of this thread is comparing GTO to Naruto? I'll understand if there's a comparison between GTO and Gokusen, but Naruto? Anyway, yeah...

Harry stared at Malfoy. ~ The Unbreakable Vow Pg 321


Only noobs watch ridiculous Ninjas with childish humor. Forget boring wannabe-ninjas and switch to GTO. That lovable street-smart ex gang member for a teacher who makes school an interesting place to be.



GTO = Great
Naruto = Great


GTO = great and for adults
NARUTO = great only for noobs who just discovered that anime is cool..



Well said!




jeeves, I'm sure you'll love GTO when you grow older. I understand you, I loved ninjas too, when I was 10 y.o. =/


Well i just got the box set off E-Bay, and cant wait to see it! BUT LOOK OUT FOR GoldenBoy if you havent already seen it!

Its my second Best Anime and great fun to watch.


Wow, I could respect if you don't like GTO but when you rank Naruto higher than GTO- it just shows how you have a childish sense of taste. I used to like Naruto until they started showing fillers and it got repititive, I mean how many episodes did it take kill the Hokage WITH THE SWORD STILL INSIDE HIM? It's just a new generation DBZ but GTO cannot compare to these simple-minded-prepubescent-shonen anime. I believe puuh put it right when he said " I loved ninjas too, when I was 10 y.o. =/"


i feel sorry for you jeeves because you know nothing of japan, in japan the issues that onizuka goes through happen heaps there are always suicides over test results and bullying and stuff, tori fujisawa portrays them perfectly, and does so with humour obviously you were too childish too see past the humour and didn't get the underlying messages, i feel sorry you can't appreciate such a talented anime my favourite by far.


Jeeve's wasn't comparing the two shows, he was comparing the lead characters. This is an even more ridiculous comparison, because Naruto is probably the the most annoying lead ever created....Believe It!

The show got old, and lost its cleverness after about the 3rd episode. I mean what kinda ninja wears a BRIGHT ORANGE jump suit, thats violating the first rule of being a ninja...WEAR BLACK!

Onizuka may be off-the-wall crazy, but thats what makes him great, he also doesn't repeat the smae phrase over and over. Onizuka is so dynamic and well written that he can be: goofy, serious, concerned, distant, neglectful, nuturing, ambishious, and lazy..... all in the same episode. All Naruto wants to do is fight random dudes with big swords, he doesn't really care about anyone but himself, and he is a punk-ass.



So what, for every Great Teacher Onizuka there are like 20 Naruto cos-players. This travesty must be stopped.....DOWN WITH THE ORANGE NINJA!


GTO has some bad parts about it, mainly its repetitiveness (how every arc has basically the same structure: student gets in trouble/creazy person attacks, onizuka saves the day, while getting in trouble and ALMOST gets fired). Other than that though, its gold ;)

I'd give it 8.5/10.


I agree it is repetitive like that but it doesn't really feel like it because even though you know what the basic formula is it's just too much fun seeing how he’s going to save the day and manage to keep his job each time. The fact that the creators basically recycle the episode structure 40 or so times and still manage to make each one fresh and entertaining is impressive.

This is easily one of my all time favorite shows, anime or otherwise. Other shows may have deeper, more intelligent or intellectual, (even better if you want a broad term), stories backing them up. Others still may have better characters, development, animation, sound or whatever else but in the end this is a show that I can pick up and watch pretty much any time in almost any mood and still enjoy it. That’s not something I can say for most other shows I’ve seen.

This is well above average in my book.



I'm looking to buy the manga, does anyone know a good place to get them for cheap?


