why didnt he just tell her

Im watching this now and just thinking how innapropriately steve is acting for an engaged man!!! Why didnt he tell her fom the start he was taken? He had plenty of opportunity too!


I suppose he didn't think it was relevant, but obviously he should have known it came across as a potential date or that she was possibly interested. It just made him look douchy.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I'm watching it now and thinking exactly the same!
He gets all annoyed with her but he is completey in the wrong, leading her on...


He should have said something, but then there would not have been a movie.


This is the way these 2000's romance movies were, they romanticized that the fantasy gal, johnny-come-lately that sweeps in to break up engagements and long term relationships is the way it should be. But that he never said anything about his status does make him a schmuck.
