Question about Alex

When Rick is running to rescue Alex from Lock-Nah, Alex is yelling "Dad!". But he hasn't seen Rick, and has no way of knowing that Rick and Evie are at Ahm Shere. Plus, he thought Imhotep had killed them. So how did he know anyone was going to rescue him when he yelled for his Dad?


I have always wondered about this! Seeing as there are no replies offering an explanation, I’m guessing it was just an genuine oversight on the writers part. Unless Alex saw his dad and that’s when he shouted him, but I don’t think so.


He is a kid who else is he going to yell out to before getting killed? Jesus ? Lol parents r god in the eyes of a child so he yelled for the person he loved and was always there to defend him


Oh yeah, maybe. But you think he would’ve just screamed wordlessly...


That is not, generally, who kids call for. The call for mom or dad, often even if no parent is there or even dead.


He was a good guesser.


If I recall correctly, there was a shoot-out going by the time Alex was running from Lock-Nah. At first the bad guys were shooting at the pigmies, but then they were getting shot at by other people with guns. Alex probably figured his dad had finally arrived to rescue him.
