what classes

in tactics you can mix classes like a knight who can carry 2 swords because you made him a ninja earlier in the game, what classes did you mix


A dancer that has two swords, telport, auto-potion, and is quick. A Red Mage (uses black and white magic)An unstoppable Cid (Im talking like 500-800 damage a hit, if only i had the urge to have him learn 2 swords, and a Palidan (Ramz as a squire with all white magic, and teleport.) Nothing really alse my Agrias isn't mixed like the other 4.


lvl. 99 Reis with the Gold Spear (?) whichever the best spear was with Two Hands ability. 999 dmg every time!


I bet you used codes. I mix to many things together like make a knight a samurai then get two hands and there you have it.


I gave HP restore to like everyone because it's godly.

Two Hands + Shields works well.... I think, haven't played in a while.


I made ramza a monk with two swords and the knights equip armor abilities for HP reasons. Often made him have geomancy as his second skill for extra range and status effects.

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