MovieChat Forums > Fainaru fantajî VIII (1999) Discussion > A PS3 Remake would be so good!

A PS3 Remake would be so good!

This is without a doubt my favourite game ever as well as in the final fantasy series, followed by 10 and 4 although theres not a game in the series i dont like, now theres been a lot of speculation about a 7 remake but to be honest and 8 remake would be much better, can u imagine the GF's and Squalls Lionheart Weapon/Limit in HD!

Proud Leader of SeeD


It'd probably be easier to pull off, seeing as how theres a lot of cartoony elements of FF7 that just wouldn't work with current gen graphics. For example, that Don guy. I can't see him in hi-def graphics.

But the thing is, more people want a FF7 remake than a FF8 remake. Plus, It'd be amazing to see cloud as a girl.


LOL that WOULD be really funny. But still. theyve done a FILM, and another GAME to continue with ff7.

A change would be nice, please.


yeah i mean obv im biased but i could really see it working in HD, imagine how kick ass the Lionheart would look with Next Gen graphics and id like to have voices for the characters too

Proud Leader of SeeD


yep we should definitely have David Boreanaz play Squall again

i think there is way too much 7 stuff, it has enough spinoffs so its time for 8 to get something

You don't look at the fire while you're poking the mantle


Yeah I liked Boreanaz's voice for Squall too

I am NOT a guy!!



Although it sounds amazing, its very unlikely. If Square ever makes a remake its gonna be FF7 since its the 'most popular'. But don't worry, they are kind of making it up to us with FF: Dissidia. Squall in full AC CGI!! fighting on par with Sephiroth!!!


I'm sorry. I don't know about the rest of you, but I find Dissidia so completely boring! All you can do is go from one fight scene to the next. It feels like there's no theme or plot to the story really. It was just a chance to have all the main characters and villains in one game. I mean, I'd actually like to do something besides move my character like a stupid little puzzle piece and fight random pointless battles. I was very disappointed in this game, which sucks because I was so excited about it.

Anyways, I'd way rather see a Final Fantasy VIII remake than a Final Fantasy VII. It's true, I think I've gotten tired of all the Final Fantasy VII stuff. To be honest, If they remade VII, I'd totally get it, but I'd be much happier with an VIII remake. It's the story that I loved from that game. I'm sure I might get butchered for saying this but, VII's story was kind of stupid and bland to me compared to VIII.

And the remake would have to have updated graphics, and of course Voice Acting. If they didn't have voice acting in it, I wouldn't buy the game....period.




If you would like voices for the characters may I suggest looking up "Final Fantasy VIII Fandub" by TearsofPurity on Youtube. The voices in that series are perfect imho. they really bring the characters to life really well.



I am totally all for a remake of this game! I LOVED it! Funner to play than ff7, I would say. Though...easier to kept the story interesting.

If they DID make a remake, I would just hope that they up the difficulty. That was my only deal with it. Other than that, it would be so fun.


Nah, if they did a remake they should keep all gameplay exactly as it was.



My PS3 can play PS2 games :P



ugh no




The problem is. Microsoft would buy rights to it. And that would suck. I paid the extra £150 to have the GranTurismo exclusives and Final Fantasy exclusives. I'd feel like a total berk if FF7 or 8 was remade, and for X360.




Calling it lame? That's down to personal opinion. But I agree. The gameplay was way to easy; and I agree with some of your points;

- Voice acting I'm not too sure about, but I haven't heard voice acting for Squall and Selphie in KH/2, so I can't really tell, but from X/X-2/12, I didn't appreciate it.
- Better graphics are a must.
- Gameplay should be tweaked to make it more challenging or even quite difficult. But they shouldn't change the battle system, and to an extent keep the Junction system similar.
- Soundtrack shouldn't be remade, but added to. Less recycled compositions.
- Extra bosses/ variety are also a must.

Basically... Yeah I was wrong...



I'd buy it. xD
I pretty much love all the Final Fantasies.
Although my favorites are IV, VI, VII, VII, X, and XII.
And by four and six, I mean the ones with Cecil and Terra.


Final Fantasy 8.

In HD.

Updated Graphics.

Fixed Glitches.

Additional Features (Storyline clean ups/tie ups, plot holes filled).

Reliving my childhood.


Splooge EVERYWHERE in my pants.

PS. to the guy above me, ff7 had the circle slam system too...but your blowing it out of proportions...both 7 and 8 you would have to be in critical (aka yellow colored hp) to get any limit break. Unless you used aura in ff8.

I Terminate Trolls.


Uhh no?


heck I'd probably buy a PS3 just for that. If they ever did.


Totally me to! i would be the first to buy the game and whatever the console it would be on!!! :D <3

someone should like make a list where people sign, or a facebook group or something and then send it in to (cant remember the name of the company)
but if like millions of people over the world joined im pretty sure they would make a remake;)


yeah i still have to say that final fantasy 8 is and always will be my favorite game i'm not saying that the other sucked wait x2 did suck what was with only giving us female characters


I would absolutely LOVE a remake. Seeing everyone's expressions and hearing their voices in the in-game cutscenes. Not to mention the FMV... oh wow. Maybe they could even improve on the junction system and make it better!


As long as the dont fuck it up like the ff7 remake
