Come backkk

OK I thought this movie was a little dumb and far-fetched... but hey! It's Disney!! I had an obsession with the movie when I first saw it and I haven't seen it in like... 5 years. I think it may be on something this month bc Disney's doing a "scary" movie every night in October but ahhh it NEEDS to come back on!!!





Well now Disney Channel makes these extremely stupid Disney Channel Original Movies...
I mean, Buffalo Dreams, Eddie's Million Dollar Cookoff? What is up?



the movies that disney is coming up with now are the worst..especially the halloween ones..i miss stuff like hocus pocus, halloweentown and this!



I know I remember movies and shows like:
*Can of Worms
*So Weird
*Smart Guy
*Dont Look Under the Bed
*Sister Sister
*Hocus Pocus

All of those and more that I cant remember at the moment but if you guys know more be sure to post them.


Yeah! I loved the old stuff. My favorite shows were, and still ARE, So Weird and In A Heartbeat...they stopped showing reruns of them around four years ago, and now I barely watch Disney Channel anymore.


In A Heartbeat
Flash Forward
Under the Umbrella Tree

They so need an old school disney channel that's all I'd ever watch!


I totally agree with you guys!!!!!Man Smart guy , i forgot about that untill i read this board!!I think both Nick and Disney have gone way downhill!!!!


i really miss so weird with fi, not annie.
and smart guy, sister sister, the famous jet jackson, i loooooved in a heartbeat i use to want to be an emt because of that show.


OH MY. i FREAKiN LOVED THE FAMOUS JETT JACKSON. it rocked because his best friend's name was Kayla && so is mine. and there are never any Kayla's anywhere. anyways, i totally agree that they should make an "Old Disney" because i would totally watch it. i'm gettin on up in my teens years but i would totally give up VH1 if i could just see Soo Weird one more time. my favorite episode was when the girl was in a coma and Fiona had to go thru the old town and find her. and then she came back. those were the greatest episodes. and they had some of the best movies. now everything's just corny and repetitive. whatever happed to all the good stuff? like Flash Forward. that was the greatest thing ever too. oh my. little kids these days have no idea what they lost. anyways, i guess we're just gonna have to settle for somethan less. we totally need somebody from Disney to come see these posts and the ones on Susie Q and stuff. they would totally do somethan about this. anyways. hope you enjoyed this post.


Ok, I'm not sure if this was on Disney or Nick but I remember a show about 2 brothers and I thought it was called like brotherhood or something but it's not and the episode I remember is about them doing a Romeo and Juliet play or something and another one about them selling candy bars.

Sorry, that's all I can remember. Thanks!


brotherly love with the lawrence brothers?


No, there were 2 of them and they had an older sister and they were in like Middle school and their sister was in high school or something. They weren't white though, they were black. Not to be racist or anything at all.


OH!! i think you mean SMART GUY with tahj mowry. im reasonably sure there was a candy bar selling episode, not sure about R+J though... yeahh that was disney. great show <33


No, It wasn't smart guy. I don't know how else to explain the show but I know it wasn't Smart Guy. It's frustrating. The oldest brother in the Romeo and Juliet episode was complaining or something because he had to wear tights for th play. And that's really all I remember. Hopefully someone else remembers too.


not the famous jett jackson right?


No...I'm sorry I can't explain it better.


MY BROTHER AND ME!!!!!!!!!!!

That's the name of the show I was thinking about!


I don't remember the title, but I know the boys names were Alfie and Goo.


I agree!!!


i think it was nickelodeona and not disney but i remember only one episode where this boy didi or something wanted to shave his name into his head or something and i think goo did it for him i really cant even remember but i remember the brother was like "theres no z in didi!" and i wanna say they ate gumbo at the end. omg its so vague but its definitely in my memory somewhere.


It's all coming back to me now. He was wanting dollar signs in the back of his head like some rapper he saw on TV. WOW that was a while back...
