The Kiss

Does anyone else believe that the kiss between Larry and Frances was unneeded? I mean, it was sad and all that she was never gonna see Larry or Zoe again, but, really, there was nothing in the story that caused us to believe that they liked each other.

"Just because you don't understand doesn't mean it isn't so"
-The Bad Beginning


I thought the kiss was amazing. Best scene.



I agree.

This sorta doesn't fit in with the subject (unless you've seen both Peter Pan and the sequel; and can tie it in with this movie) but Larry kinda reminds me of a Peter Pan.


That confused me so much - was he trying to prove to her she was ready to grow up, or what?

It was odd.


For Disney having that Kiss was daring I have never seen them have a kiss of that social nature ever.

I think you all know what I mean?


I thought it was hot.
Larry is hot.


I thought it was kinda unneeded cought me by suprise as i have never seen this movie was cool though


i thought it was cute.



chills <3


I have two theories about the kiss. First, I think they really liked each other because he said he cared about her and she seemed kind of infatuated with him. Second, I think he was trying to tell her that it was time for her to grow up. But I do agree with you. Ty Hodges is SMOKIN'!

Jack Sparrow: Look!*shoots monkey* Undead monkey! Top that!


I agree with both of you. HE IS SO SEXY. who wouldnt wanna kiss him!


I thought I saw a little something (like when he said he cared about her) between them but the kiss did catch me by surprise.

Everybody done known that song, workin' for a livin' the whole day long. All the live long day!


Me too.

*Gasp and swoon, I just caught the vapors*


I thought the kiss was unnecessary and a bit weird considering nothing in the movie lead me to belive they liked each other, but I like the theories about proving that it meant Frances has to grow up. In that sense then yeah, it was sweet, but still kind of weird non the less!


I thought it was cmpletley necessary it was a good closure for those two and i liked it a lot. The symbolism it represented also fit the story well. It was simple and sweet and it was perfect.


Actually I thought there was plenty of subtext between them. Notice how flustered she got when she was telling the principal he was following her around. There were a lot of moments like that, it just wasn't obvious.


Yeah I agree there were some subtle things. They probably cut some stuff out for the final cut that would have made the kiss seem less awkward.

*signature under construction*


the same thing happened at the end of one of my other faves.. drop dead fred.

i guess in a way it symbolizes growing up or blahblah
but i still find something unnerving about kissing your 'imaginary friend'... you know. hmm.


